Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Student Organization Information

Involvement in student organizations and activities provides opportunities to develop valuable leadership and interpersonal skills that will benefit the student while at DVC, as well as in the future.

Student government, clubs, and activities at Diablo Valley College (DVC) are student initiated and run. Students learn to organize and to work with others, pursue special interests, and make friends.

Important Dates

  • Spring club renewal deadline: Friday, February 28, 2025
  • Club roster updates in DVCsync due: Friday, March 21, 2025
  • Fund request deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025
  • First ICC meeting for spring: Thursday, February 6, 2025
  • Last ICC meeting for spring: Thursday, May 8, 2025
  • Last day for spring club activities: Friday, May 9, 2025
  • Fall club registration opens: Monday, May 19, 2025

Mandatory Club and Officer Training Workshops

Students starting a new club or serving as a new club officer must attend a training workshop.

Spring dates coming soon.

Additional Important Information

  • Interested in starting a club that you feel would benefit the student body that isn't already being offered? Great! Please read details on steps to start a new club at DVC and attend a mandatory New Club Workshop.

    Please note: New clubs must be unique and not a duplication of an existing Club. Find a list of current clubs on DVCSync.

    Students who want to start a new club must:

    • Attend a New club workshop at the beginning of the term
    • Have at least six DVC students who are currently registered in at least five units
    • Club officers must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA 
    • Find an advisor who is a DVC employee (must complete Advisor Orientation)
    • Submit a DVCsync Online Club Registration for: New Student Club/Organization by the deadline, four (4) weeks after the first day of the semester
    • Submit a club constitution with your online New Club Registration
  • The Student Life Office accepts club renewal and new club registration the first 4 weeks of fall and spring terms via DVCsync. Clubs may only meet after their renewal/new club registration has been electronically submitted into DVCsync - Engage and approved by the Student Life Office. Important: All required data must be submitted via DVCsync to the Student Life Office by the deadline.

    • Attend a Club officer training at the beginning of the term
    • Submit a completed DVCsync Online Returning Student Club Registration by the deadline four weeks after the first day of the Semester
    • Have at least six currently registered DVC students as members, including 4 prospective or elected officers
    • Officers must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and currently enrolled in five units
    • Retain your continuing faculty advisor or recruit a new part or a full-time faculty advisor who is a DVC employee (must complete Advisor Orientation)
  • The Inter-Club Council (ICC) is recognized and funded by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College (ASDVC). It consists of elected representatives from the various campus clubs. ICC meetings are held hybrid in person and online via Zoom and provide a forum for clubs to discuss upcoming events and ideas, vote on funding proposals, and collaborates regarding student issues.

  • If you are interested in learning more about DVC's clubs or joining a club, come to Club Day! A variety of clubs will be sharing information and hosting activities. Check back here for future Club Day dates.

  • Everyone who joins club/s on DVCsync will be considered a member. Have everyone who attends your meetings join the club's portal to be counted towards your membership. Watch a video on how to manage club rosters.

  • Club activities are an important part of the club program, and for the campus as a whole. The Student Life Office supports clubs in making all of their events as successful as possible. If your club has questions with online event submissions, policies or with the planning of activities, please contact the Student Life Office for assistance.

  • Please follow the steps below to request funds for your events:

    1. Student submits an Event Form on DVCsync
      1. Advisor signs off through DVCsync
      2. Club's Program Coordinator will send the student who submits the form an email (and the advisor) with the next steps in the process
    2. Student submits a Budget Request on DVCsync in their organization Finance Module tab.
      1. Advisor signs off through DVCsync
      2. ICC Commissioner of Finance sends the student who submitted the form an email outlining the fund request process and inviting them to present at upcoming meeting
    3. Students present at the Ways and Means Committee (WMC)
      1. WMC oversees the ICC’s funds and can approved up to $500 for events.
      2. WMC meetings are scheduled by the ICC Commissioner of Finance
      3. The presentation should be in PowerPoint format (emailed to, approximately 5 minutes long, and should include the following: club name and description, event name and description, the event budget, and whether or not the club will be using their club funds or fund raising to help cover the event costs
      4. WMC will make a recommendation to the ICC board about whether or not to fund the event
    4. Students present at ICC meeting
      1. ICC meetings are on Thursdays from 3:30-5 pm via Zoom.
      2. The ICC board will vote on whether or not to fund the event
      3. If requesting more than $3000 for one event, the club can request an additional $5000 from ASDVC
    5. Students present at Budget Oversight Committee (BOC)
      1. The BOC oversees ASDVC’s funds
      2. The BOC meetings are scheduled by the ASDVC Controller (email at Send an email to request to be placed on their next agenda one week in advance, typically the Monday prior to your presentation.
      3. The presentation should be in PowerPoint format emailed to the ASDVC Controller, approximately 5 minutes long, and should include the following: club name and description, event name and description, the event budget, and whether or not the club will be using their club funds or fund raising to help cover the event costs
      4. The BOC will make a recommendation to the ASDVC board about whether or not to fund the event. The PowerPoint requires Student Learning Outcomes for all requests over $3000 and line item budget must be emailed to the DVC Secretary prior to the Board meeting.
    6. Students present at ASDVC meeting
      1. ASDVC Meetings are held on Tuesdays from 2:10-4 pm via Zoom
      2. The ASDVC Board will vote on whether or not to fund the event
    7. If the club is requesting more than $3000 from ASDVC, they need to present at two ASDVC General Meetings (first for discussion and second for action).

    If Funding is Approved

    1. Students must submit check requests for the event with advisor’s signature (paper form available at the Student Union or on the DVC Student Life Website or DVCsync)
      • No one is authorized to sign their own check request
    2. Students must submit club meeting minutes approving the Fund request
      • The meeting minutes should include the specific amount of the request, who was present at the meeting, the vote to authorize fund usage, and what the funding was for.
    1. Students must submit check requests for the event with advisor’s signature (paper form available at the student union or on the DVC Student Life Website or DVCsync)
      • No one is authorized to sign their own check request
    2. Students must submit club meeting minutes approving the Fund request
      • The meeting minutes should include the specific amount of the request, who was present at the meeting, the vote to authorize fund usage, and what the funding was for.
  • Most of our forms can be found on DVCsync. We are dedicated to making your journey at DVC as smooth and enriching as possible. If you have any questions or need assistance, our team is here to support you every step of the way.

Contact Us

Todd Farr Program Manager

Pleasant Hill Student Union - SU