Starting a New Club
Yes, Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT), provides guidance on components of establishing clubs. The District Board Policy 4001 on Standards of Scholarship and the Inter-Club Council Code provide guidelines.
Yes, they are scheduled the first two weeks of each term
The Inter-Club Council has established the first four weeks of the term for submission. This process is available via DVCsync.
Renewing an Existing Club
New and renewal club applications are due no later than the fourth week of each term, FA/SP as cited in the ICC Code.
No, after two semesters have passed a new club application will be submitted.
Log into DVCsync using your InSite credentials and go to the Student Life Portal (available approximately 4 weeks prior to each term FA/SP) or contact Program Coordinator Renee Savage Long at
No. All clubs MUST have a DVC faculty advisor or staff person with the permission of their supervisor to co-advise the club.
Club Advisors and Officers
Yes, see Use of College Facilities Bus. Pro. 6.04:
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE OF FACILITIES 4. “Whenever a college facility is being used, a college employee shall be on duty and shall be responsible for supervision of the facility.”
Both the advisor and the student club representative (original receipts required) 4CD Business Procedure 3.38 Policy on Accounts for Clubs and California Education Code 48933 (b).
Yes, Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) recommends internal fiscal management controls to safeguard student funds. See 4CD Board Policy 3003.
No, in order to reimburse anyone for any purchase from Associated Student (AS) funds, the purchase must be properly approved in advance of the purchase, properly documented, and properly authorized. Pre-approval for all AS purchases is required, FCMAT Manual Chapter 6, page 64 paragraph 2, reference California Education Code 76063 for community colleges.
Yes, our Student Organization Handbook cites 2 weeks are needed to process events that do not require food/catering, facilities, travel, and check requests. This allows Student Life Staff an opportunity to review the activity request, coordinate logistics and address any questions. It is a good idea to submit events 3 weeks prior and 4-6 weeks for more complex events requiring multiple funding approvals from ICC up to $3000 and ASDVC for additional funding up to $5,000. Inter-Club Council Code and ASDVC Budget Codes provides club guidance for the fund request process. Student Life provides club advisor student representative event planning meetings to assist with the process, please contact Renee Savage Long at
Yes, this is an opportunity for clubs to have a voice in all activities and funding requests that ICC takes action on. The ICC Code has established the club meeting attendance requirement.
No, 4CD Board Policy 3003 requires all student organization funds be deposited and maintained in trust in banks approved by the Board. (California Education Code 76063-76065).

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