Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule


DVC relies on participatory governance as a mechanism to ensure that the college stays focused on its mission as well as its strategic directive (‘Diablo Valley College will increase student success.’), three core values (‘excellence, student learning, and equity’) and four goals seen on the following pages.

We rely on a commitment from all participants (students, classified staff, faculty and managers) to put the needs of our students first and to listen to and respect diverse and sometimes divergent opinions. It gives appropriate weight to input from experts and provides the right for all constituency groups to participate while acknowledging the concomitant responsibility to stay focused on what is best for our students.

Committees, councils and task forces work closely with each other and play a vital role in the operation and governance of Diablo Valley College, providing collaborative discussions and decisions in support of the college’s mission statement and strategic directions. 

All members of the college community are encouraged to participate in the college’s participatory governance and to take initiative in the delivery, evaluation, and improvement of the practices, programs, and services to advance the college mission.

Roles, Responsibilities & Processes Handbook

Note: You will be redirected to an external site, BoardDocs, for public meeting materials. Please allow a few seconds for the page to load. Meeting materials are listed along the left side of the page. 

Other committees that support the college's operations:

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee
  • Safety Committee
  • Sustainability Committee
  • Workforce Development Committee