Contra Costa Community College District invites you to participate in our study abroad programs. Courses are taught by community college professors, and may be UC and CSU transferable. Students enjoy and learn from their valuable experiences in a foreign country, while accumulating course credits from their host college. Financial aid is available to students who qualify.
Why Study Abroad
- Studying abroad is a rewarding experience on many levels.
- Change your world perspective
- Explore other cultures
- Learn more about your own culture
- Experience personal growth
- Build your résumé
Three eligibility requirements:
- Must be 18 years of age or older
- G.P.A. of 2.25 or higher
- Have completed at least 12 college units
Programs are offered by the Northern California Study Abroad Consortium (NCSAC) in partnership with AIFS.

Barcelona, Spain
DVC students have a once in a lifetime opportunity to live and study in beautiful Barcelona Spain. Apply online!

Florence, Italy
Want to spend a semester in Florence Italy? Learn more about the application, fees and requirements for the DVC Study Abroad program.

Short Term Academic Study Away Program
The Short-Term Academic Study Away Programs (STASAP) are faculty-developed and faculty-led initiatives meant to reach students who want the opportunity to study away during the inter-session and the summer.

London, England
Interested in studying abroad? Learn more about DVC's semester in London and find frequently asked questions from our Study Abroad Office.