Section 1
These Bylaws shall represent the full authority of the ASDVC as designated in the Constitution. The Bylaws may not contradict the Constitution.
Section 1
- In order to become a member of the Board of Petitioners, a student must be in good academic and disciplinary standing within the Contra Costa Community College District.
- In order to become a member of the Board of Petitioners, a student must be officially enrolled in and maintain at least five (5) units at DVC each semester.
- A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 must be maintained during each semester of Board membership. GPA and unit checks are made each semester at the end of each semester. Members who drop below the aforementioned requirements must inform the ASDVC President and Advisor of their ineligibility. The Student Life Office or Advisor informs all continuing board members of their outstanding Board member status prior to the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
- A member of the Board of Petitioners may not hold office concurrently in student government of another college or university, nor act in a manner against, or that does not comply with, the ASDVC governing documents. 2 OF 23
- Each member of the Board of Petitioners must serve as a representative to at least one College Committee or Task Force or an ASDVC Committee, including attending meetings and reporting back to the ASDVC Board.
- A member of the Board who drops below the aforementioned requirements will automatically be removed from his/her position as a Board member, and will not be allowed to re-petition until the individual has completed a full semester while maintaining the aforementioned standards.
- Any Board member needing a leave of absence must submit their request in writing to the ASDVC President for Board approval. If Board approved, the absent member must thereafter continue to keep informed on ASDVC business. Leaves of absences will be granted ONLY for a maximum of a four (4) week period, and only for emergency situations.
- Board members will not make agreements on behalf of the ASDVC Board or use an ASDVC title unless under an authority not restricted in the “ASDVC POLICY REGARDING USE OF ASDVC NAME.”
- Every Board member must attend all meetings and summits deemed mandatory by a majority of the Executive Committee or President under the guidance of the Advisor. a. Any member who misses at least 15 minutes of any official ASDVC board meetings and/or committee meetings will be deemed as absent. This includes coming to the meetings late or leaving the meetings early.
- Such meetings can include, but are not limited to, retreats held at the start of the fall and spring semesters.
- Board members are expected to actively participate in ASDVC/ICC sponsored events.
- Board members must not have class during the ASDVC general board meetings. Any applicant with a class conflict during these hours will automatically be dropped from Board membership.
Section 2: New Board Member Requirements
- In order to be considered for board membership, a prospective Board member must attend at least one (1) informational session and accomplish an open book quiz offered during the current semester’s petitioning period. A prospective Board member who fails the quiz will immediately be rejected in becoming a Board member. A prospective Board member would then have to attend another info session and repeat the process again. The maximum number of trials is limited to two times, at this point, a prospective member will be prohibited from attempting to join the Board through this path of petition for the semester.
- In a case where prospective Board members are unable to fulfill the requirements within the given period, they can still petition for their membership, considering that they must attend and pass an open book quiz, administered by the Parliamentarian, about ASDVC and parliamentary procedure before attending their 3rd consecutive ASDVC board meeting. A prospective Board member who fails to get a 70% or higher on the quiz will immediately be rejected in becoming a Board member. Upon their 3rd attendance of an ASDVC board meeting, the ASDVC Board of Petitioners may vote to allow the prospective member to join the current ASDVC Board of Petitioners with a ⅔ vote of voting members.
- When new senators petition beyond the info session period, as in the Section above, 3 OF 23 they must attend a brief orientation given by the Vice President of Executive Affairs and Parliamentarian within the end of the month that they petitioned.
Section 3: Continuing Board Member Requirements
- A continuing Board Member is one who wishes to continue their Board Membership into the following term (one academic year) for as long as they are eligible according to ASDVC Bylaws. In accordance with the Constitution, an elected Board member shall possess a membership of one academic year from the Fall through the Spring semester.
- Members who start their membership on the Spring semester need to complete a DVC sync Application if they are interested to extend their membership the following Fall semester.
- In addition, Board members wishing to extend their membership shall participate in the process of informational sessions at least once in a leadership role.
- Continuing Board members are not required to take the mandatory ASDVC quiz.
- All extensions, if validated and approved by the Student Life Office, shall reinstate the board member’s year-long membership. 6. Continuing Board Membership Petition may be held at the end of the spring semester for the following academic year.
Section 4: Attendance Code
- Every Board member must attend all meetings and summits deemed mandatory by a majority of the Executive Committee or President under the guidance of the Advisor.
- Senators must dress professionally during any ASDVC General Board Meeting, as they are the representatives of the students at DVC.
- Attendance at committee meetings shall be defined by the chair of each committee.
- The following shall be considered a tardy: a. Arriving 15 minutes after the roll call is finished. b. Departing any time before the adjournment of the meeting or 4:00 PM (whichever comes first).
- Board members shall be allowed three unexcused absences per semester from the General Board meeting and or Executive meeting. Members who have accumulated two unexcused absences shall be given a warning by Secretary and/or Presidential designee 24 hours prior to the next official ASDVC board meeting and/or executive meeting.a. The following circumstances shall constitute as an excused absence/tardy in pursuant to California Educational Code Section 48205: i. Death, accident, or illness in the family ii. Personal illness or accident iii. Student Government Association official business iv. Official DVC business v. Other excuses deemed valid by the Advisor
- Any Board member needing a leave of absence must submit their request in writing to the ASDVC President for Board approval. If the Executive Board approved, the absent 4 OF 23 member must thereafter continue to keep informed on ASDVC business. Leaves of absences will be granted ONLY for a maximum of a four (4) week period, and only for emergency situations.
- All Executives must hold committee meetings twice per month. Failure to do so will count as two absences per month (4 weeks).
Section 5: Membership Denial Procedures
- In the case of a new or continuing ASDVC petitioner applicant who is denied membership to the ASDVC Board, they may appeal to the currently active ASDVC Board of Petitioners to have specific aspects of the process of becoming a board of petitioner reconsidered.
- To appeal the Board of Petitioner application denial, the applicant must submit the appeal in writing 24 hours prior to the second ASDVC meeting to express if they intend to appeal the denial.
- Discussion and voting of the appeals will occur at the second ASDVC Board meeting.
- Aspects of the Board of Petitioner Applicant Process that may be reconsidered include: a. Not obtaining thirty (30) valid signatures from currently enrolled and registered DVC students due to reasons that were out of their control. b. Not attending the mandatory ASDVC retreat due to an emergency or other reason out of their control.
- Aspects of the Board of Petitioner Applicant Process that may not be reconsidered include:
- Petitioners who are not in good academic and disciplinary standing with the Contra Costa Community College District.
- Petitioners who are not officially enrolled in and maintaining at least five (5) units at DVC each semester.
- Petitioners who do not have and maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0.
- Petitioners holding office in student government of another college or university.
- Petitioners who have time conflicts with the ASDVC Board meeting time of 2:00pm - 4:00pm on Tuesdays.
- Petitioners who did not attend an ASDVC Information Session.
- Petitioners who did not pass the ASDVC Information Quiz during either of their maximum of two attempts.
- Petitioners who did not speak in front of at least three classes and who did not submit a completed 'ASDVC Class Outreach Form.
- Petitioners who did not adequately attempt to collect the minimum thirty (30) valid signatures of currently enrolled and registered DVC students.
- Petitioners who did not submit the ASDVC Petition for installment within the first fourteen days of the start of the semester that they are intending to join.
- Appeal Time Limitations: a. Appeals must be completed by the second official ASDVC meeting of the semester to be appealed.
- Voting Requirements: a. Current ASDVC Board of Petitioners may vote to allow the ASDVC petitioner applicant to join the current ASDVC Board of Petitioners with a 2/3 vote of voting members. 5 OF 23 Section 6 1. In the event of a national, state, or local emergency where the campus is shut for an extended period of time, the petition procedures shall be suspended. The Executive Board, in conjunction with the Office of Student Life, shall adopt an alternative to the petition procedures.
Section 1
- All Board elections shall be conducted by the ASDVC Board.
- Qualifications: All candidates must be officially recognized members of the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College (ASDVC Board of Petitioners). They must have met the ASDVC Constitution requirements.
- Nominations for candidates will be made beginning at the first ASDVC meeting in March and will be closed at the second meeting in March during the Spring semester. Only ASDVC Board members can make nominations.
- All nominations must have a first motion, no second is required. A member wishing to second a nomination for the purpose of endorsement can do so. Individuals may nominate themselves. No person may be nominated or run for more than one ASDVC office in a given election.
- The ASDVC may allocate funds for the employment of Short Term Hourly persons, who will work at election Polling Stations. The ASDVC will establish a budget each year for the expense.
- In case of a tie between two candidates for an officer, a run-off election will be held. The date, time and campaigning rules will be determined by the Election Committee, and will take place prior to the end of the Spring semester.
- If the result of General Elections does not yield the majority of Executive Board. We shall have Special Election for the vacant positions by opening votes to all DVC students. This case shall not be applied to Section 2.
Section 2: Special Elections
- Positions that are vacated on the Executive Board will be filled at the ASDVC meetings. Nominations for vacant positions will be presented as an action item at the next official ASDVC meeting after the resignation. Elections for vacant Board positions will be presented as an action item at the following ASDVC meeting. Only ASDVC Board members will vote for these candidates. No open elections of the student body will take place to fill vacant positions.
- The election procedure shall be as follows: First, the chair shall take nominations at the general board meeting. Nominations do not require a second and self-nominations shall be allowed. Second, candidates shall have at a maximum of three minutes to give opening statements in the order in which they were nominated. Third, candidates shall be asked up to four questions. Two questions shall be submitted from the Executive Board and two questions shall be submitted form the General Board. 6 OF 23 All candidates shall answer the same questions. Candidates shall answer questions in the reverse order of nomination. Questions shall be submitted in writing and collected by the Secretary. The questions shall be chosen randomly, without being read first, by the President. Five minutes shall be allotted for the Board to compose questions and submit them to the Secretary. Fourth, each candidate shall have one minute to provide a closing statement. Statements shall be given in the order of nomination. Fifth, the Board shall vote by ballot. Each member shall choose only one candidate. Each ballot will have the name of the person voting, the position being voted on, and the person the candidate is casting their vote for. In the event no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, a runoff shall be held between only the top two candidates receiving the most votes. In the event more than two candidates are tied for the two highest amount of votes cast, the runoff shall include each candidate who has tied for the highest votes cast. For example, if Candidate A receives 14 votes, Candidate B receives 11 votes, Candidate C receives 11 votes, Candidate D receives 10 votes, Candidate E receives 9 votes, and Candidate F receives 9 votes, only Candidates A, B, and C shall participate in the run off. There will be no further statements given by the candidates and no further questions shall be allowed. An immediate ballot vote using the same procedure shall take place. This process shall be repeated until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.
- Those elected to fill vacant positions will hold office until the end of their term, if they remain eligible. Elections conducted by an ASDVC Board of Petitioners vote must be done according to the rules of the Brown Act.
- By the time of the election, candidates nominated must be an official member of the ASDVC Board per Article V. Failure to meet this qualification will result in disqualification of the candidate.
- No person may hold more than one office at a time. Current executives may be nominated for vacant positions, and they need not resign their current position unless if they are elected. At that time, the position previously held shall immediately become vacant.
Section 1
- Board members who have three unexcused absences and/or violations from regularly scheduled ASDVC general meetings and/or executive meetings (for executives only) shall be subjected to removal. Board members will be notified of such meetings in person, by telephone, or in writing by an Executive Officer, Advisor, or Student Life Staff before the meeting(s) take place. Members who have missed two meetings shall be given a warning by Secretary and/or Presidential designee 24 hours prior to the next official ASDVC board meeting and/or executive meeting. a. If a board member up for removal is voted to continue to serve in the board, failure to attend an additional meeting would result in automatic removal from the board.
- If a member has an unexcused absence from a committee meeting, that member is subject to removal by a majority vote of the committee. If the member has a second unexcused 7 OF 23 absence, the chair has the authority to remove that member from that committee without a vote by the committee. If a member has a third unexcused absence, he or she is automatically removed from the committee.
- If the Board member is removed from their only committee, he/she will be recommended for removal from the Board.
- Revocation of Board membership shall be accomplished by a 2/3 vote of the majority of members present at a regularly scheduled meeting.
- Any board member who was removed by the ASDVC for missing more than three meetings shall not be permitted to repetition the following semester.
Section 2
- The ASDVC Board shall have the power to censure, suspend or expel a Board Member or Executive Officer based on evidence supplied in a valid complaint.
- Recommendations and discussions regarding the membership status or the performance of a Board Member that may result in censure, suspension or expulsion must be initiated in an Executive Committee meeting. Complaints must be submitted in writing and signed by the person making the complaint, after first meeting with the Advisor to discuss the legitimacy of the complaint. Anonymous complaints will not be considered valid.
- Valid complaints will be placed on the next Executive Committee agenda, in accordance with the Brown Act.
- Any ASDVC Board Member affected by such discussions or recommendations shall be notified in advance of the Executive Committee meeting agenda being posted by the ASDVC President or Advisor or designee. S/he shall be allowed to appear before the Executive Committee to present information on his/her own behalf and/or respond to questions prior to a vote on the recommendation of whether or not to forward the matter to the ASDVC Board, or other proposed recommendations. However, if the member fails or elects not to attend the meeting or provide information, the ASDVC Executive Committee may choose to take action based on the information available to them.
- The Executive Committee may choose to try to resolve the matter informally between the affected member, the complainant, the ASDVC advisor, and the ASDVC President or Vice President. If all members agree to the informal resolution, the matter will be considered resolved.
- The Executive Committee may choose to refer the matter to the full ASDVC Board for a decision at a Board meeting.
- If the Executive Committee votes to take the matter to the ASDVC Board, the affected Board member shall be notified in advance of the agenda being posted by the ASDVC President or Advisor. S/he will be allowed to appear before the ASDVC Board to present information on his/her own behalf and/or respond to questions prior to a vote on the recommendation for censure, suspension or expulsion from the ASDVC Board.
- Final voting or action in the matter will occur at the next regular session of the ASDVC Board with recommendations to the Dean of Student Life and/or President of the College. Prior to final voting or action taken, the Dean of Student Life and/or DVC College President will be notified.
- If an Executive Officer has 2 unexcused absences to the General Body Meeting, or fails to hold their committee meetings for 3 consecutive weeks, they shall be automatically put up for removal in the General Body Meeting. 8 OF 23
- A recommendation to censure, suspend or expel a member of the ASDVC Board must receive a 2/3 affirmative vote of the majority of members present at the meeting to pass.
Section 1: President
- Shall be the presiding officer of the ASDVC Board and official representative of the student body of Diablo Valley College.
- Shall be the presiding officer of the Executive Committee.
- Shall prepare and post the ASDVC Board agenda and Executive Committee agenda and post it according to the Brown Act.
- Shall be an authorized and required signer for the ASDVC and ICC check requests and accounts.
- Shall vote in the case of a tie, unless the Board has three or fewer members in which case the President becomes a voting member of the Board until there are more than three members.
- Shall represent the ASDVC Board at Student Trustee Advisory Committee (STAC) meeting and other such meetings requiring representation of the ASDVC. If the President is unable to serve at such meetings, he/she may appoint or ask the Board to select another person.
- Shall implement and take the necessary steps in the implementation of the ASDVC policy and promote ASDVC both on campus and in the community.
- Shall have the authority to create ad hoc committees as necessary, and to appoint the chair of such committees.
- Shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all ASDVC and ICC Committees and see that such committees perform their duties expeditiously.
- Shall post regular weekly office hours and have access to the Executive Office of the President. The Executive Office of the President shall be located in a location designated by the Student Union Building Code.
- Shall be in regular communication with the administration in the District, as well as the various constituency groups.
- Shall assist with the yearly election of the Student Trustee according to the Student Trustee Elections Procedures.
- Shall have a working knowledge of all ASDVC governing documents, relevant laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.
- Shall assign other executive officers and/or their committees’ duties and responsibilities as necessary.
- Shall regularly meet with the Advisor.
- Shall create and publish an ASDVC Annual Report, to be released in the first week of May each year.
- Shall have the authority to enforce the Constitution. 9 OF 23
- Shall have the authority to implement all passed and voted upon measures of the Board.
- Shall appoint students to serve on district, college, and shared governance committees and taskforces, after conferring with the Vice President.
- Shall have the ability to create temporary executive positions as deemed necessary to properly represent the student body, as well as appoint board members to said positions. Responsibilities to be determined by the president.
- Shall appoint Board members to vacant officer positions until said positions can be filled. This may only occur if there is more than one resignation, and appointments may only be used to fill lower ranked officer positions. Officers appointed under this provision shall serve with the prefix Pro Tempore, and only until a new officer can be elected, which shall occur expeditiously.
- Shall have administration rights to all social media related to ASDVC. (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- Shall work with Executives to follow ASDVC Strategic Plan and revise when necessary.
Section 2: Vice President of Executive Affairs
- Shall perform in the capacity of the President in case of his/her absence or inability to conduct the business of the ASDVC.
- Shall ensure that ASDVC business is conducted in a professional and orderly fashion.
- Shall work in conjunction with the President on the other duties related to ASDVC business, and shall assist the President in coordinating the duties of the other executive officers.
- Shall under the direction of the President, serve until a new officer is elected, in the capacity of any vacant ASDVC office. If one or more offices are vacant, the Executive Vice President will serve in the one office deemed most important. The President shall appoint any other vacant offices.
- Shall serve in the executive officer position(s) deemed most important in the event of absences at Board meetings.
- Shall chair the ASDVC Election Committee and be responsible for conducting all ASDVC elections.
- Shall serve as liaison between students on ASDVC Committees and the President, reporting to the President and the Executive Committee important items discussed in ASDVC Committees.
- Shall, in conjunction with all other Executive Officers, help publish the ASDVC Annual Report, highlighting the Board’s accomplishments in the past academic year. All gathered information will be passed onto the succeeding Executive Committee.
- Shall, in conjunction with the President and the Advisor, coordinate the implementation of all mandatory meetings and summits (i.e., retreats).
- Shall serve as Vice Chair of the Finance Committee and chair the committee in the absence of the Director of Finance.
- Shall review the Constitution problems and propose amendments to the ASDVC Constitution, Budget Code, Elections Code, ICC Code, or ASDVC policies and procedures. 10 OF 23
- Shall assist the President in maintaining regular office hours, and have access to the Executive Office of the President.
- Shall compile and give a weekly report to the President as to the activities of other executive officers.
- Shall serve as the ASDVC student representative to the Institutional Planning Committee. If the Vice President for Executive Affairs is unable to attend, the Board shall appoint another member to attend.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall have administration rights to all social media related to ASDVC. (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- Shall chair the Strategic Plan committee
- Shall work with Executives to follow ASDVC Strategic Plan and revise when necessary.
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
Section 3: Vice President of Legislative Affairs
- 1Must serve as the primary delegate and appoint an alternate delegate. The Vice President and an alternate delegate shall attend the general assembly for the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC).
- Shall have the authority to request the attendance of Board members, with the approval of the Board member in question, to be present at SSCCC functions.
- Shall serve as the DVC delegate and represent the ASDVC at community college associations, conferences, meetings, or other external meetings deemed pertinent to attend. If the Vice President is unable to serve at such events the alternate delegate must attend.
- Must develop a viable program of legislative and political activism and advocacy at the college, district, local, state, and federal level. Shall implement such programs in a manner that best promotes the position of the ASDVC in these matters.
- Shall draft all official ASDVC position statements, and publish them with approval of the Board.
- Shall chair the ASDVC Legislative Committee.
- Shall draft the ASDVC policy, strategy, goals, and objectives, which must be submitted and approved by the Board before becoming official.
- Shall recommend students to serve on district, college, and shared governance committees and taskforces.
- Shall assist the President in maintaining regular office hours, and have access to the Executive Office of the President.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall have administration rights to all social media related to ASDVC. (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- Shall be available for at least 2 hours weekly to the public. 11 OF 23
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
Section 4: Controller
- Shall, under the direction of the campus designated Advisor, maintain monthly fiscal reports including: a. All ASDVC revenues and expenditures; b. Budgetary specifics as requested by the ASDVC Board and/or ASDVC Board members.
- Shall chair the Budget Oversight Committee
- Must draft a monthly financial report.
- Shall prepare letters of agreement for recipients of ASDVC-allocated funds and follow up with recipients to ensure compliance with the proposal and deadlines.
- Shall prepare the ASDVC Budget, with the guidance of the President and Advisor and present it to the Board.
- Shall be a member of the college-wide Budget Committee. If the Director of Finance is unable to serve at such meetings, then the Board shall appoint another.
- Shall have a working knowledge of the ASDVC Budget Code.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all budget matters that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
Section 5: Secretary
- Shall be responsible for taking and publishing the minutes for all ASDVC Board meetings in accordance with Robert’s Rules and Special Rules of Order that the Board establishes.
- Shall distribute the prior meeting’s minutes for approval no less than 24 hours before the next scheduled meeting.
- Shall copy and furnish all materials necessary for the ASDVC Board meetings.
- Shall perform all duties assigned by the President related to ASDVC Board meetings.
- Shall serve at the ICC Secretary prior to the selection of ICC officers, upon the request of the ASDVC President.
- May handle general correspondence under the direction of the ASDVC Board.
- Shall keep ASDVC attendance records in accordance with the Constitution. Shall inform the ASDVC Board and designated Advisor of excessive absences. 12 OF 23
- Shall keep current committee appointments, agendas, minutes, and attendance logs.
- Shall chair the ASDVC Student Union Committee.
- Shall, with guidance from the Executive Committee, be responsible for the coordinating of the End of the Year Banquet.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all activities he/she has taken during the present week that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
Section 6: Parliamentarian
- Shall advise the presiding officer and ASDVC Board on questions of Constitutional procedures, and Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
- Must be provided with advanced training in Parliamentary Procedure.
- Shall review and maintain ASDVC Governing Documents the Constitution problems and propose amendments to the ASDVC Constitution, Budget Code, Elections Code, ICC Code, or ASDVC policies and procedures.
- Shall ensure that ASDVC meetings comply with ASDVC governing documents, Robert's Rules, and Brown Act.
- Shall, with approval by the Executive Committee, be in charge of updating and planning the Informational Sessions every semester.
- Shall administer a quiz about parliamentary procedure and general ASDVC information to prospective Board members seeking admission to the Board of Petitioners through the Special Petition Path. The Parliamentarian will also upload or/and update online training videos about parliamentary procedure and general ASDVC information that contains all the content necessary for a prospective Board member to pass their Special Petition Path quiz.
- May request, with the approval of the President, the dismissal of any person attending an ASDVC Board meeting that acts in an inappropriate manner or violates any of ASDVC’s governing documents.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all parliamentary matters that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
Section 7: Director of Public Relations
- Shall inform DVC, DVC’s Sister and Satellite Campuses, the media, other college campuses, the public, and the faculty and staff about the ASDVC and affiliated clubs. 13 OF 23
- Shall establish and maintain lines of communication with the DVC Director of Marketing and Communications or equivalent.
- Shall, in conjunction with the Advisor, work to disseminate information about and advertise ASDVC-sponsored events and activities to students, faculty, and administration via electronic means.
- Shall chair the ASDVC Public Relations Committee.
- Shall edit and publish ASDVC’s newsletter on an as-needed basis.
- Shall make recommendations to the Board on the Campus Communications budget line.
- Shall organize and submit content to the Technology Communications Director for the ASDVC website.
- Shall be in charge of any distribution of information or advertising concerning ASDVC events and functions.
- Shall monitor all off-campus events that would be of interest to ASDVC and forward to appropriate ASDVC Board members.
- Shall coordinate all ASDVC sticker discounts with vendors and maintain lists of students who have negotiated discounts.
- Shall maintain a folder detailing all ASDVC activities and events with copies of flyers, invitations, posters, pictures and other information.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all public relations matters that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report. 14 14 OF 23
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
- Shall have administration rights to all social media related to ASDVC. (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
- Shall solicit student input (through suggestion boxes and other means), research complaints, and suggestions and present them to the Executive Committee.
Section 8: Director of Activities
- Shall maintain a monthly calendar of all club-sponsored and ASDVC events.
- Shall organize and submit Board-sponsored activities for ASDVC Board approval.
- Shall plan a minimum of two (2) events per semester.
- Shall chair the ASDVC Activities Committee.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all activities that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall propose, in conjunction with the Activities Coordinator, ASDVC-sponsored diversity awareness activities each semester.
- Shall propose ASDVC-sponsored diversity awareness activities each semester.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the Director of Public Relations.
- Shall organize the following events: Earth day, Welcome week fall/spring, diversity day (with diversity committee), Halloween festival, free produce market (once a month), team building /social.
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
Section 9: Inter Club Council Chair
- The Inter Club Council Chair shall chair the Inter Club Council meetings. 2. Must be a current ASDVC Board member to be elected for this position. 3. Under the direction of the ASDVC Board, the ICC Chair shall assemble Inter Club Council (ICC) representatives as well as scheduling weekly ICC meetings.
- Shall report on the preceding week’s ICC meeting to the ASDVC Board every week.
- Shall work in conjunction with club representatives and the Activities Coordinator in planning and enhancing club-sponsored programs and in helping generate student interest in other campus-wide activities.
- Shall abide by other duties as prescribed in the ICC Code.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all ICC matters that are 15 15 OF 23 relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
- Must draft a report monthly and submit to the Vice President of Executives, and President before the first meeting of each month.
Section 10: Diversity Affairs Officer
- Shall hold in conjunction with Activities Coordinator a minimum of one diversity or cultural awareness activities each semester.
- Shall attend all Student Equity Committee meetings. If the Diversity Affairs Officer cannot attend, his/her designee must attend.
- Shall work with other members of the campus community to increase awareness of the importance of diversity issues and their relationship to student success.
- Shall chair the ASDVC Diversity(Cultural) Awareness Committee.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all diversity matters that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President.
Section 11: Environmental Affairs Officer
- The Environmental Affairs Officer shall chair the ASDVC Sustainability Committee.
- Shall pursue and promote programs and or ideas that can help DVC be a more sustainable and environmentally conscious community college.
- Shall attend the College Environmental Sustainability Committee meetings. If the Environmental Affairs Officer is unable to serve at such meetings, he/she may appoint or ask the Board to select another person. 4. Shall propose, in conjunction with the Activities Coordinator, ASDVC-sponsored environmental activities each semester.
- Shall work with other members of the campus community to increase awareness on environmental issues on and off the DVC campus.
- Shall advise the ASDVC Board during meetings to make decisions that are environmentally responsible, and shall advise the Activities Coordinator on how to make ASDVC sponsored activities environmentally conscious.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board on all environmental affairs that are relevant to DVC and the students.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all environmental affairs that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall assist in publishing the ASDVC Annual Report.
- Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the President. 16 16 OF 23
Section 12: Civic Engagement Officer
- Shall strive to enhance civic engagement and empower voters within our college community, including:
- Promoting active participation in the electoral process.
- Expanding electoral access to all eligible voters across campus.
- Voter registration and voting in ASDVC, local, state, and federal elections.
- Shall chair the Civic Engagement Committee
- Shall Attend the Executive Committee Meetings
- Shall aim to increase access to the electoral process by offering various voting options across campus & promoting voter registration at the Student Union kiosks.
- Shall serve on the college Civic Engagement Advisory meetings (approximately 3 per year). If the Civic Engagement Officer is unable to serve at such meetings, the chair will ensure that ASDVC has a representative present.
- Shall provide a weekly report to the Board and President on all civic engagement matters that are relevant to DVC and the students. Said reports may include recommendations for Board action.
- Shall collaborate with ASDVC and ICC for campaign development opportunities, including working with the Student Senate for California Community Colleges and Region III.
- Shall enhance voter awareness through outreach events.
- Shall work to stop misinformation and disinformation to maintain public trust in the electoral process.
- Shall support and strengthen community partnerships such as non-partisan groups like the League of Women Voters and the County Clerk’s Office for increased civic involvement.
- Shall raise voter engagement across all DVC college communities, services, and learning programs.
- Shall organize activities for voter registration.
- Each civic engagement activity shall be followed by a survey to assess its success, impact, and areas for improvement.
The ASDVC shall consist of eleven standing committees; each standing committee must meet at least once a month or more as deemed necessary by the committee chair, ASDVC Executive Officers, or the ASDVC Board. Each committee will research and review concerns, procedures, complete projects, or make recommendations to the ASDVC Board. ASDVC Board Members who serve on committees may be assigned duties and responsibilities by the Chair of the committee. Board members must be appointed to standing committees by a majority vote of the ASDVC Board.
Section 1: Standing Committees
- ASDVC Executive Committee:
- This committee shall consist of only all the executive officers.
- This committee will oversee the formulation and distribution of goals, action planning, and strategic planning once per semester or more often as deemed 17 17 OF 23 necessary.
- This shall include but not limited to the discussion of priorities, deadlines, consequences, and direction of the Executive Committee and ASDVC Board.
- This committee shall enforce all ASDVC policies and procedures, and shall recommend reciprocal actions to violations.
- Shall assist the President in developing the agenda for the upcoming ASDVC Board meeting.
- Shall make action plans each semester to achieve the goals listed in the ASDVC Strategic Plan
- ASDVC Legislative Committee:
- This committee tracks local, district, state, and national legislative issues that relate specifically to student issues. The committee is then tasked with bringing to the Board complete, unbiased reports of such legislation, and recommendations for ASDVC Board action.
- The committee shall research the need for DVC representation at conferences [and other summits where DVC decides to send delegates] and recommend the students to attend such conferences.
- The Committee shall assist the Vice President of Legislative Affairs in the accomplishment of his/her duties.
- ASDVC Rules Committee:
- This committee regularly reviews the governing documents including ASDVC Constitution and ASDVC Bylaws and procedural issues and recommends amendments to the ASDVC Board.
- ASDVC Diversity Affairs Committee:
- This committee researches diversity issues and assists in the lessening of these issues.
- ASDVC Public Relations Committee:
- This committee publicizes ASDVC events to the student newspaper, administration and off campus entities.
- The committee shall be provided with an advertising budget to create press releases, newspaper ads (both on and off campus), an ASDVC newsletter, and other items necessary to publicize ASDVC and ASDVC-sponsored activities.
- The committee shall also be responsible for designing and distributing all ASDVC promotional material to ASDVC Board members.
- This committee may elect to have combined meetings with the Activities Committee.
- ASDVC Activities Committee:
- This committee develops and organizes ASDVC-sponsored activities and builds student interest in ASDVC activities on campus. Should plan at least two (2) events per semester, and shall collaborate with the Public Relations Committee for publicity of events and the Diversity Affairs Committee to plan diversity related events.
- This committee may elect to have combined meetings with the Public Relations Committee.
- ASDVC Budget Oversight Committee:
- This committee develops and manages the ASDVC budget, per the Budget Code and reviews all funds requests and makes recommendations for allocations to the ASDVC Board, 18 18 OF 23
- ASDVC Student Union Committee: a. This committee administers the Margaret Lesher Student Union Building and is tasked with developing and maintaining a Student Union Building Code.
- ASDVC Sustainability Committee:
- This committee develops ideas on ways to make DVC environmentally sustainable, acts as a venue for DVC students to express their environmental concerns, and plans activities to raise campus awareness on environmental issues.
- ASDVC Elections Committee:
- This committee shall enforce all election matters per the Election Code.
- Technology Communications Committee
- This committee shall assist the Technology Communications Director in technological affairs. b. The committee members shall be filled with Technology interns selected by the Technology Communications Director, and any ASDVC members who wish to join.
Section 2
There will be one Inter Club Council (ICC) at Diablo Valley College under the authority of the ASDVC Board.
- The ICC shall consist of one representative for each club on campus.
- The ICC Chair will preside over the meetings of the ICC and provide leadership to its members.
- Develop and abide by the ICC Code, approved by the ICC and ASDVC.
Section 3
An ad hoc committee is one that is not defined by the Bylaws. Ad hoc committees must be reinstated at the beginning of each school year, if necessary.
Section 4
College and district committees and task forces are created by DVC entities other than the ASDVC. When such college and district committees have been announced, the ASDVC President shall bring the information to the ASDVC Board, including the composition, charge, meeting times and dates.
The student members of such committees shall be appointed in the same manner as for ASDVC committees. Such student representatives must make regular reports from their college and district committee to the ASDVC. Any student representative to college and district committees who does not maintain contact with the campus committee and the ASDVC will be removed from their committee assignment.
Section 1
There shall be a DVC Inter Club Council (ICC). All DVC recognized Student Clubs shall be allotted one (1) voting club representative on the ICC. Failure to be represented on the ICC could forfeit a club’s standing with the ASDVC Board as a recognized DVC Student Club. The 19 19 OF 23 ASDVC Board shall have the power to forfeit any services generally available to clubs deemed to be not in good standing with the ICC. The ASDVC Board must approve any ICC Code Amendments, as well as other Codes related to ICC governance.
Section 2
All student clubs must submit a statement of purpose and club constitution along with the name of the Advisor and club officers, prior to recognition by the ASDVC Board and the Dean of Student Life or equivalent; its members must consist of DVC students.
Section 3
All student clubs must have a DVC Advisor, who are encouraged to attend one designated ICC meeting per semester.
Section 4
All clubs must have an ICC Representative attend all ICC Meetings. Clubs must have no more than 3 absences from ICC meetings during the semester.
Section 5
No student club shall be organized or recognized that that is in conflict with the philosophy and objects of the ASDVC and the College. Any activities planned by a club must adhere to the spirit and letters of the ICC Code and the ASDVC Constitution. The ICC and clubs must be mutually respectful of the diversity of our campus when planning events and/or meetings.
Section 6
Clubs must adhere to ASDVC rules and regulations, as specified in the ASDVC’s governing documents and the ASDVC Constitution, as well as College and District policies and procedures.
Section 7
Only recognized student clubs, not individual students, may solicit funds for lawful purposes. All club funds must be deposited with Diablo Valley College. Deposits and disbursements must be made in the name of the club for its purposes. Clubs wishing to solicit funds must apply by name to the Student Life Office for approval.
Section 8
Student clubs must hold a minimum of two (2) meeting a month to be considered an “active club” with minutes to substantiate its activity. All clubs must conduct and advertise regular scheduled club meetings.
Section 9
Ad hoc Student Clubs may be formed in response to issues of the moment. During their existence, which may not extend longer than forty-five (45) consecutive days, Ad hoc Student Clubs may call upon all of the privileges and services available to other student clubs.
Section 10
To form an Ad hoc Student Club students must have an Advisor and file a statement of purpose and the name of student leaders or officers for the occasion (refer to the ICC Code).
Section 1
- The primary advisor to the ASDVC shall be the Dean of Student Life or equivalent or equivalent, or his/her designee.
- The duties of the advisor shall be to attend all meetings of the ASDVC Board and the ASDVC Executive committee and to provide training and advising for members of the ASDVC as outlined in the Constitution.
- Shall advise the ASDVC in matters of District and College policy, California State Law, and other pertinent regulations.
- Furthermore, upon request, he/she shall also advise the ASDVC Board on matters of parliamentary procedure.
- Shall advise the ASDVC in matters of administration, budgeting, business procedures, and other matters as requested by the ASDVC.
- Shall ensure that the Parliamentarian is trained.
- Authorize financial matters in accordance with the California Education Code.
- Shall help each officer to understand and perform his or her duties.
- Be familiar with and uphold the ASDVC Constitution, ASDVC Budget and Elections Code, College and District policies and procedures related to student organizations, and the Brown Act.
- Ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to insure the safety and welfare of the ASDVC Board members.
- Shall post and maintain weekly office hours.
Section 1
This article shall go into effect June 1 , 2013.
Section 2
The Technology Communications Director may be appointed by ASDVC Executive Board to assist in the management of the ASDVC website. The Technology Communications Director shall have the following responsibilities:
- 1. Shall attend all Public Relations Committee meetings, and be in close working relationship with the Director of Public Relations.
- 2. Shall, under the guidance of the ASDVC Board, maintain the ASDVC website.
- 3. Shall develop and maintain a method of electronic voting.
- 4. Shall establish and maintain lines of communication with the DVC Technology Systems Manager or equivalent.
- 5. Shall attend all campus IT Committee meetings and report back to the Board. If the Technology Communications Director cannot attend such meetings, his/her designee must attend.
- 6. Shall perform other related duties as assigned by the Director of Public Relations. 21 21 OF 23
- 7. Shall select technology interns to assist in technological affairs.
- 8. Shall Chair the ASDVC Technology Communications Committee.
Section 3
The Technology Interns shall be selected under the following process when necessary:
- Applicants shall be Diablo Valley College students in good academic and disciplinary standards who demonstrate technology skills.
- Applicants shall fill out a Technology Intern Application Form.
- Applications will be weighed on time availability with the chair, computer science skills, and work experience.
- Favored computer science skills will be the most relevant to the current committee tasks.
- The Technology Communications Director has the authority to select from applicants.
- The Technology Interns are not required to be ASDVC board members.
- The Technology Interns shall perform under the guidelines and supervision of ASDVC. Technology Interns have the following responsibilities:
- Work for a minimum of 3 hours per week to assist the Technological Communication Director, the General Body Meeting is not included in these hours
- Shall perform duties assigned by the Technology Communication Director
- Shall attend the ASDVC Technology Committee, but is not obligated to attend the General Body Meeting.
Section 1
This ASDVC Board shall meet a minimum of two times a month. All meetings shall be open to DVC students, including SRC students, faculty, staff and the public, and will be held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act.
Section 2
Special meetings may be called by the President, or at the request of the Advisor, or may be called by written request of the majority of the ASDVC Board members and/or Executives. The ASDVC Vice President for Executive Affairs shall give one (1) day written notice to the Board Members, press, and anyone else who has asked to be notified of the time, place, and purpose of said meetings.
Section 3
The ASDVC Board shall conduct an emergency meeting in accordance with the Brown Act.
Section 4
22 22 OF 23 The President, if deemed necessary and in accordance with the Brown Act and Student Union Building Code, may call the ASDVC Board to order at any time, save during the summer. Summer sessions shall only occur presidentially deemed emergency circumstances.
Section 5
A majority of voting ASDVC Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 6. In all matters of ASDVC Board voting, each member shall be entitled to one vote only. Voting shall not be accumulative; and there shall not be any voting by proxy or absentee ballot.
Section 1
ASDVC Executive Committee members are highly expected to attend meetings in person; however, if they cannot, teleconferencing would be acceptable by one provided that they comply with these rules and the Brown Act.
Section 2
Teleconference of Committee or General Body Meeting shall only be held under this circumstance:
- An emergency results in campus closure.
- A special meeting that is not in the regular meeting time.
- Executive Committee. ASDVC Executive Committee members are highly expected to attend meetings in person; however, if they cannot, teleconferencing would be acceptable by one provided that they comply with these rules and the Brown Act.
Section 3
- Quorum must be maintained and verified by Roll Call anytime a voting member requests it be verified.
- Voting members must identify themselves in order to be recognized for the purpose of debating and proposing motions. The public may not be asked to identify itself.
- A properly posted teleconference site is one with a posted agenda 72-hours before the meeting starts.
- The agenda must include the addresses of all the teleconference sites available for that meeting. The location may not prohibit attendees in any discriminatory manner.
- The agenda must offer a toll-free telephone number or a web based option for the attendees.
- Only those voting members calling in from a properly posted teleconference site may be counted towards the quorum.
- Only those voting members calling in from a properly posted teleconference site may have their votes counted towards any decision.
- All votes are taken by Roll Call.
- Each teleconference site must be ADA compliant.
Section 1
For the Budget, ICC, and Student Union Building Codes, amendments must be introduced in the committee where the topic would be germane (i.e. Budget Code Amendments arise from the Budget Oversight Committee. The proposed amendments, with a favorable vote in favor of the changes from the committee, are then taken to the full ASDVC Board for approval, which shall occur with a simple majority vote. The Codes are thereafter considered amended.
Section 2
New Codes, amendments to the Elections Code, and amendments to Codes newly created must be introduced in the Rules Committee. The proposed amendments, with a favorable vote in favor of the changes from the committee, are then taken to the full ASDVC Board for approval, which shall occur with a simple majority vote. The Codes are thereafter considered amended and/or created.
- Amended: 3/24/15
- Amended: 4/14/15
- Amended: 4/28/15
- Amended: 5/2/17
- Amended: 9/12/17
- Amended: 11/7/17
- Amended: 11/14/17
- Amended: 5/1/18
- Amended:11/13/18
- Amended: 11/19/19
- Amended: 3/3/20
- Amended: 8/26/20
- Amended: 9/8/20
- Amended: 2/22/22
- Amended: 4/18/23
- Amended: 10/18/23
- Amended: 11/14/23
- Amended: 3/5/24