Section 1.
The name of this Association shall be the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, hereinafter referred to as ASDVC.
Section 1.
The mission of the ASDVC Board shall be to serve as the voice of all DVC students and ceaselessly advocate and govern for the needs and rights of our constituency.
Section 2.
The central vision of the ASDVC is to generate and enrich student life on campus through our dedicated work and our enlightened philosophy. In addition to planning and implementing fun, professional, and beneficial events that foster student learning and student cohesion, we hold these truths to be self-evident in our organization, that the purpose of the ASDVC is: to broaden rapport between students, faculty, classified staff and management by holding ourselves up to the virtues of discipline, respect, unity, perseverance, tenacity, cooperation, integrity, and communication. As humble and committed leaders for the whole student body, the Board Members of the ASDVC shall participate in rejuvenating school spirit, restoring and honoring traditions while creating new ones, developing school beautification, and establishing a greater spirit of community among all citizens of DVC and beyond. The ASDVC Board shall listen and seek to understand all perspectives being presented, to inspire student trust and confidence, and furthermore make ASDVC a truly remarkable and functional student government.
Section 1.
This organization shall be governed by the ASDVC Board of Senators, hereinafter known as the ASDVC Board, in accordance with the ASDVC Constitution and the policies and procedures of Diablo Valley College, the Governing Board of the Contra Costa Community College District, and the California Community College Board of Governors. For the purpose of this constitution, the strictest rule prevails when there is any inconsistency.
The order of strictest rule is, from most strict to least strict: United States Constitution, Federal laws and regulations, California State Constitution, California laws and regulations, Contra Costa Community College District Governing Board Policies and Procedures, ASDVC Constitution, ASDVC Bylaws, ASDVC Codes, ICC Bylaws and other ICC codes, Standing Rules and Orders the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, and custom.
Section 1.
The objectives of the ASDVC shall be:
- Perform all duties and responsibilities as outlined in the ASDVC Constitution.
- To unite students who are registered at DVC in one local organization.
- To advocate for various student interests and concerns.
- To act as a central clearinghouse for information relating to student governance and co-curricular interests are conducted at DVC, CCCC District, and Statewide. This shall be done in accordance with AB 1725.
- Represent the Diablo Valley College Associated Student Body and help formulate standards and principles for students in the community college and other sectors of education.
- To encourage legislation and public support of students in the community college and other sectors of education.
- Interpret and review the ASDVC and ICC governing documents.
- Participate in all levels of shared governance.
Section 1.
Any person enrolled as a student at DVC is considered to have basic membership in the ASDVC. Basic membership only confers the right to sit on open session public meetings and to comment on any action or discussion during the ASDVC meetings and vote in all general and special elections unless otherwise stated in the Bylaws.
Section 2.
Successful Senators will serve on the Student Board for a maximum of one academic year per petition, but by successfully submitting a ‘Petition Extension Form’ can be extended for an additional academic year.
Section 3.
Every Board member can serve either as an officer, head of standing Board committee, representative on a college committee or assume such duties as so designated by the Board.
Section 4.
Any Board member desiring to resign from the Board shall submit a resignation in writing to the ASDVC President, Secretary, and Advisor. All resignations must be declared at the next ASDVC Board meeting.
Section 5.
Revocation of Board membership shall be accomplished by a 2/3 vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting in accordance with the ASDVC Bylaws.
Section 6.
The Board shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
- To pass motions, resolutions, and other actions related to student issues at Diablo Valley College.
- To render aid to Executive officers for ASDVC-related events or matters.
- To set and control all finances of the ASDVC, including allocations to the ICC, and other similar organizations under the umbrella of the ASDVC.
- To take action on issues and concerns under the purview of the ASDVC when not prohibited by local, district, state, and federal laws and procedures.
- To serve as the primary deliberative and representative body of student government on campus.
- To represent one of the major constituent groups on campus and in the district.
Section 1.
The officers of the ASDVC Board shall be, in order ranked: President, Vice President of Executive Affairs, Vice President of Legislative Affairs, Controller, Secretary, Parliamentarian, Director of Public Relations, Director of Activities, and Inter Club Council Chair, Diversity Affairs officer, Technology Communications Director, Environmental Affairs officer. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by the ASDVC Bylaws.
Section 2.
- Terms of Office: Terms of office shall run from June 1st to May 31st of the school year. The ASDVC does not meet in the summer, save for emergencies or as deemed necessary by the Office of Student Life.
- Elections shall follow the procedures prescribed in the ASDVC Bylaws and the Election Code.
- Any DVC student(s) shall serve no longer than (5) semesters as an Executive officer while attending DVC.
- Removals shall be conducted as set forth in the Bylaws.
Section 1.
The ASDVC Board shall have the power to establish policies and procedures regarding daily business in accordance with the philosophy and objectives stated in the Constitution and consistent with district state and federal laws.
Section 2.
If a section of the ASDVC Constitution, Bylaws, Budget Code, Elections Code, or ICC Code is found to be in violation or in contradiction with District procedures, state laws, the Brown Act, or other federal laws, it will automatically be rendered null and void, and the Rules Committee is thereafter tasked with revising the governing documents to subscribe to the stricter rule. Such changes shall then be reported to the ASDVC Board.
Section 1.
The ASDVC shall maintain both standing committees and ad hoc committees, and shall provide student representatives to college and district committees and task forces where necessary. Each ASDVC Board member must serve as a representative to either a college committee, task force or ASDVC committee. Non ASDVC Board committee members must report on a regular basis to ASDVC Board. Voting privileges on the committees will be granted to DVC students who are not Board members if they are appointed by a majority vote of the ASDVC Board.
Section 2.
The ASDVC shall have student representatives to college and district committees as prescribed in the Bylaws.
Section 1.
The rules contain in the current edition of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER, NEWLY REVISED.The ASDVC, with a 2/3 vote, may set up special rules of order. Such rules must be written and must comply with the Brown Act.
Section 1.
All proposed amendments to the ASDVC Constitution shall be in accordance with the following procedure:
- Shall be submitted to the ASDVC Rules Committee which shall review the constitutional amendment.
- The Rules Committee shall review all proposed amendments and present their recommendation to the ASDVC Board. This recommendation shall first appear as a discussion-only item on the ASDVC Board meeting agenda, as a first reading.
- No adoption action may take place during the first reading of proposed amendments to the ASDVC Board.
- This constitution can be amended by the Board by a 3/4 vote at the second reading of the amendments. All amendments must be recorded, as follows in Section 4 of this Article.
Section 2.
To amend the ASDVC Bylaws, this procedure must be followed:
- Amendments must be submitted to the ASDVC Rules Committee which shall review the amendment for no less than one meeting.
- All proposed amendments must be posted no less than five days prior to being voted upon during an ASDVC Board meeting.
- Amendments shall then be brought to an ASDVC Board meeting, with approval requiring a 2/3 vote.
Section 3.
To amend the ASDVC Codes, the procedure set forth in the Bylaws must be followed.
Section 4.
Documentation of Constitutional Amendments
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the Rules Committee by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, May 01, 2018
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, March 24, 2015
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, April 29, 2014
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, December 04, 2012
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, March 06, 2012.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, April 26, 2011.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College. November 30, 2010
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College. October 12, 2010
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, March 17, 2009.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, March 4, 2008.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, September 25, 2007.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, November 14, 2006.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, September 26, 2006.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, September 19, 2006.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, February 21, 2006. Approved by President’s Council March 29, 2006.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, November 29, 2005. Approved by President’s Council March 29, 2006.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, May 19, 2005. Approved by President’s Council July 27, 2005.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, November 9, 2004. Approved by President’s Council December 15, 2004.
- MSC to approve amendments to this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, May 11, 2004. Approved by President’s Council June 30, 2004.
- MSC to approve this Constitution with recommendation of approval to the President’s Council by the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College May 13, 2003. Approved by President’s Council August 27, 2003.
- Approved by the ASDVC Board in their February 20, 1996 meeting, approved the revised constitution pending approval of the College President’s Cabinet, March 12, 1996, approved by President’s Cabinet.
- The Associated Students of Diablo Valley College in their February 7, 1995 meeting, approved the revised constitution pending approval of the College President’s Cabinet, February 28, 1995, approved by President’s Cabinet.
- The Association Students of Diablo Valley College (ASDVC) in their May 3, 1994 meeting, approved the revised constitution pending approval of the College President’s Cabinet. September 19, 1994, approved by President’s Cabinet.
- MSC by the Associated Students Organization Board March 7, 1989, to approve this revised Constitution with approval from the College President’s Cabinet May 15, 1989.
- MSC by the Associated Students Organization Board September 30, 1986 with President’s Council Approval November 17, 1986.