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ASDVC Budget Code


This Budget Code is established to define policies and procedures regarding budget development and allocation procedures under the control of the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College Board in order to ensure that all financial transactions will be made in the best interests of the Associated Students.


Section One – Function and Authority

Under authority of the ASDVC Constitution, the Budget Oversight Committee shall be tasked with the following:

  1. Operate in accordance with the Brown Act and the ASDVC Constitution and Bylaws.
  2. Meet a minimum of once a week. Review all budget and finance requests submitted to the ASDVC board and propose a recommendation to the ASDVC Board as guided by this Budget Code.
  3. Review and propose amendments to the Budget Code, referring them to the ASDVC Board for review and approval, and act in accordance with the adopted code.
  4. Manage and oversee all ASDVC funds and accounts, both budgeted and reserved, in accordance with the approved ASDVC Budget Code.
  5. Research and review other ASDVC budget concerns and make recommendations to the ASDVC Board.
  6. The Controller shall draft and propose a budget for the next fiscal year with the budget adopted by the ASDVC board no later than May 1st. It is the duty of the Budget Oversight Committee to review the annual budget. The adopted budget shall then be forwarded to the DVC President for submission to the CCCCD Governing Board.

Section Two – Membership

The Budget Oversight Committee shall consist of the following members:

  1. The ASDVC Controller who shall serve as the committee Chair and cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
  2. At least 5 other, but no more than 9 other ASDVC board members recommended by the Controller and officially appointed by the President.
  3. The ASDVC Vice President of Executive Affairs, who shall serve as the committee Vice Chair and act as Chair in the absence of the Controller.
  4. The ASDVC President, who is a non-voting ex-officio member per the Bylaws.

Section Three – BOC Meeting

BOC shall choose a meeting time that falls between Thursday prior, up until 1:30 pm at Tuesday of the following week.


The ASDVC shall have the authority to disburse funds as per the ASDVC Constitution, Contra Costa Community College District Student Services Procedure 3018 and Board Policy 3003, California Education Code Sections 76060-76067, and other related legal documents.


  1. Operations AccountThis account is designed to manage all revenues and expenditures for services, maintenance, student events, ASDVC events, and other programs as permitted by District policy.
  2. Student Union Building Operating AccountThe Student Life Office shall propose an annual budget for the Student Union Building Operating Account to the Budget Oversight Committee. The Budget Oversight Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the proposed budget and making a recommendation to the ASDVC board.
  3. Inter-Club Council AccountThe ICC shall have the authority to utilize this account as per their Finance Code and other related codes.
  4. Restricted Reserve AccountsThe ASDVC has authority over three separate reserve accounts:
    1. Rollover/Special Projects AccountAssociated Students of Diablo Valley College Budget Code
      This account contains surplus revenues and one-time monies used for projects sponsored by ASDVC. Other than the delineated access of this reserve as specified in this Budget Code, this account cannot be utilized save to ensure the financial solvency of ASDVC.
    2. Contingency Fund (Retained Revenue)
      This account contains monies that are restricted and cannot be utilized unless the ASDVC board declares an emergency situation.
    3. Student Union Building Reserves
      This account contains surplus monies that were collected over a long period from the Student Union Building fee. These monies are restricted and shall only be accessed to backfill any cuts in the event actual revenue is less than projected in the approved budget for the fiscal year.


  1. Student & Co-curricular – Travel/Conferences
    • ASDVC shall designate funds to pay for travel expenses to go to Student Senate for California Community College (SSCCC) Region III meetings, SSCCC General Assemblies, and other conferences of similar merit.
    • In the event of a cancellation or non-appearance by attendees selected to attend the conference, attendees shall be obligated to fully compensate for any monetary losses stemming from non-refundable payments made by ASDVC. The only exception to the above shall be unforeseen catastrophic acts fully out of the control of the individual.
    • All students attending any conference as a representative of DVC are required to sign and agree to the conditions and obligations set forth in the Conference Attendance Agreement as attached in Appendix B.
  2. ASDVC Printing
    • ASDVC shall designate funds to pay for printing expenses by ASDVC such as retreat packets and documents for other events.
  3. Inter-Club Council
    • ASDVC shall designate funds for the Inter-Club Council. Funds shall be designated for club allocations, ICC retreat, and ICC executive team building activities.
  4. Promotions
    • ASDVC shall designate funds to pay for promotion expenses by ASDVC.
  5. ASDVC Allocations to Campus Groups:
    • On Campus Clubs
    • ASDVC shall designate funds for on-campus clubs. Clubs must be officially chartered and approved by the Student Life Office during the semester for which they are requesting funds.
    • Other On-Campus Organizations
    • ASDVC shall designate funds for other on-campus organizations. Organizations must be located on campus or have an affiliation with Diablo Valley College.
  6. ASDVC Miscellaneous Initiatives
    • Funds shall be designated for any events or programs initiated by ASDVC. These initiatives could also include any other expenses not covered in other line items.
    • ASDVC Retreats
      The ASDVC shall hold two retreats each year, one in the beginning of Fall Semester and another in the beginning of Spring Semester. This line item serves to cover any expenses for the retreats. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to expend the monies allocated under this line item.
    • ASDVC Year End Banquet & Awards
      ASDVC shall hold a year end banquet at the end of Spring Semester. The Student Union Building Committee, under direction of the Executive Committee, shall have the authority to expend the monies allocated under this line item.
    • ASDVC Team Building
      ASDVC shall hold at least one team building activity each semester. The Activities Committee shall have the authority to expend monies allocated under this line item.
    • ASDVC Sponsored Scholarships
      ASDVC shall designate funds for ASDVC Sponsored Scholarships.Allocation of funding shall follow the ASDVC Scholarship Procedure, as set forth by the ASDVC board.
  7. Staff Position(s)
    • ASDVC shall designate funds to pay for a permanent managerial position in the Student Life Office as approved by the ASDVC board.
  8. Retained Revenue
    • This account contains monies that are restricted and cannot be utilized unless the ASDVC Board declares an emergency situation.
  9. Equipment Maintenance/Replacement
    • ASDVC shall designate funds to cover expenses for equipment maintenance or replacement outside the jurisdiction of the Lesher Foundation funds or Student Union Building funds.


  1. Accessing the Rollover/Special Projects Account

    Funding may be set aside from the Rollover/Special Projects Account to pay for the monthly salaries and benefits of Student Union Office personnel annually.

    The ASDVC shall commit to funding any special projects that would not normally have their own budget line as determined by a 2/3rds roll call vote of the board.

  2. To be considered as a special project, the project must:

    1. Directly benefit the entire student body.
    2. Be a long term project lasting over 12 months.

    Other than the expenditures as stated above, this account shall remain restricted, except to pay for budgeted expenditures prior to the arrival of new revenues.

Accessing Contingency Fund


The ASDVC Contingency Fund is restricted and cannot be utilized unless the ASDVC board deems an emergency situation exists and the ASDVC board approves such action. ASDVC shall maintain a Contingency Fund equal to at least 75% of its previous year’s operation budget.


All accounts and possible funding opportunities must be exhausted prior to the use of this account. The Budget Oversight Committee will make a recommendation to the ASDVC Board. A 2/3 roll-call vote is required for approval of the recommendation.


  1. All allocations as stated in Article V are subject to the following:
    1. In order to maintain the efficiency of the Budget Oversight Committee, all fund requests must be reviewed at a BOC Meeting and acted on at an ASDVC general board meeting no less than 7 days in advance of the event. For any emergency request, a 2/3 vote is required to add the item onto the agenda.
    2. A Funds Request Form must be filled out by individuals or representatives of organizations requesting funds and submitted to the ASDVC Controller’s email no later than 12pm of the Friday prior to the Budget Oversight Committee meeting for which the requester would like to be placed on the BOC agenda. Alternatively, the Funds Request Form may also be scanned and emailed to the ASDVC Controller no later than 12pm of the Friday prior to the Budget Oversight Committee meeting.
    3. A detailed budget breakdown for the funds request must be attached to the Funds Request Form to facilitate and maintain efficiency during the meetings.
    4. The maximum requested amount for each on-campus organization allocation request must not exceed $5,000 from ASDVC. Fund requests over $3,000 from ASDVC are subject to the set of criteria listed in Appendix A of the ASDVC Budget Code.
    5. Requests may be sent back to the Budget Oversight Committee if the ASDVC board votes that it needs additional information. Requests may be sent back up to a maximum of 2 times.
    6. The Budget Oversight Committee has the authority to recommend an amended amount of funds to the ASDVC board; however, the original amount requested must be presented.
    7. Fund requests $3,000 or under (See Appendix A) must be approved by a majority ASDVC board vote.
    8. Meals for individuals participating in conferences and other events that are not covered in the registration or any other fees will be reimbursed at the following rates:
      • Breakfast – $7.50
      • Lunch – $12.50
      • Dinner – $20.00
    9. Intentional misrepresentation of information, including withholding pertinent information, may result in disqualification of individuals or organizations from future fund requests.
  2. For fund requests over $3,000 (See Appendix A), the item must be discussed at 2 consecutive ASDVC general board meetings. The request will read as a discussion item at the first ASDVC general board meeting. The request will then become an action item at the following general board meeting with a final vote. The final vote will require 2/3 majority vote for approval to allocate funds. ASDVC may request additional week(s) of discussion if deemed necessary by a 2/3 majority vote of the ASDVC board.
  3. As ASDVC is funded largely by DVC’s Student body and is to disburse these funds in the best interests of the DVC student body, preference will be given to, but not limited to, organizations that adhere to the criteria as set forth in Appendix A. If the clubs or organizations fail to adhere to post-event criteria as presented to ASDVC, subsequent funds requests may be rejected at the discretion of the Budget Oversight Committee.
  4. Clubs can only request funds from ASDVC following allocation of up to $3,000 by ICC.


  1. All allocations as stated in Article V are subject to the following:
    1. In order to maintain the efficiency of the Budget Oversight Committee, all fund requests must be reviewed at a BOC Meeting and acted on at an ASDVC general board meeting no less than 7 days in advance of the event. For any emergency request, a 2/3 vote is required to add the item onto the agenda.
    2. A Funds Request Form must be filled out by individuals or representatives of organizations requesting a line item and submitted to the ASDVC Controller’s email no later than 12pm of the Friday prior to the Budget Oversight Committee meeting for which the requester would like to be placed on the BOC agenda. Alternatively, the Funds Request Form may also be scanned and emailed to the ASDVC Controller no later than 12pm of the Friday prior to the Budget Oversight Committee meeting.
    3. A detailed budget breakdown for the line item request must be attached to the Funds Request Form to facilitate and maintain efficiency during the meetings.
    4. The maximum requested amount for each on-campus organization allocation request must not exceed $8,000 from ASDVC. Line item requests over $3,000 from ASDVC are subject to the set of criteria listed in Appendix A of the ASDVC Budget Code.
    5. Requests may be sent back to the Budget Oversight Committee if the ASDVC board votes that it needs additional information. Requests may be sent back up to a maximum of 2 times.
    6. The Budget Oversight Committee has the authority to recommend an amended amount of funds to the ASDVC board; however, the original amount requested must be presented.
    7. Line item requests $3,000 or under (See Appendix A) must be approved by a majority ASDVC board vote.
    8. Meals for individuals participating in conferences and other events that are not covered in the registration or any other fees will be reimbursed at the following rates: Breakfast – $7.50 Lunch – $12.50 Dinner – $20.00
    9. Intentional misrepresentation of information, including withholding pertinent information, may result in disqualification of individuals or organizations from future fund requests.
  2. For line item requests over $3,000(See Appendix A), the item must be discussed at 2 consecutive ASDVC general board meetings. The request will read as a discussion item at the first ASDVC general board meeting. The request will then become an action item at the following general board meeting with a final vote. The final vote will require 2/3 majority vote for approval to allocate funds. ASDVC may request additional week(s) of discussion if deemed necessary by a 2/3 majority vote of the ASDVC board.
  3. As ASDVC is funded largely by DVC’s Student body and is to disburse these funds in the best interests of the DVC student body, preference will be given to, but not limited to, organizations that adhere to the criteria as set forth in Appendix A. If the clubs or organizations fail to adhere to post-event criteria as presented to ASDVC, subsequent line item requests may be rejected at the discretion of the Budget Oversight Committee.


  1. All financial transactions will be made through the Student Life Office (SLO).
  2. Expenditures must be made according to the itemized budget approved by ASDVC. The organization will not be reimbursed for expenditures not made according to the itemized budget approved by ASDVC. If an organization wishes to use the funds allocated in a way other than that which was approved, a new funds request to the Budget Oversight Committee must be submitted.
  3. Appropriate documentation for all reimbursements and expenditures must be provided no later than 3 weeks after the event. Appropriate documentation will include the following (not all may apply):a. Invoice(s) from organizations/businesses providing the services or materialsb. Original receipt(s) which show items purchased to be reimbursedc. Meeting minutes from clubs/organizations to prove the approval of expenditures.
  4. Special situations may require special documentation. If your expenditure falls outside the above-mentioned categories, please contact the Student Life Office Staff.
  5. For reimbursement concerning ASDVC expenditures, the above-mentioned documents shall be submitted together with an ASDVC Check Request Form to the SLO. The ASDVC President/designee and the ASDVC Controller/designee will review the documents and sign to verify.
  6. Please allow 5 business days for the SLO to process your request and another 5 business days for the Cashier’s Office to issue a check (10 business days). You will be contacted by the SLO when the check is ready to be picked up.
  7. Reimbursements must be submitted no later than three weeks after the close of the student organization program and/or the date of the last approved event. The Student Life Office will provide student organizations with the exact deadline. Late reimbursements will not be processed.


The Budget Oversight Committee will make periodic recommendations to the ASDVC board for changes to this Budget Code. Changes must be approved by a majority vote of the board.

  • Adopted: 03/30/2004
  • Amended: 10/11/2005
  • Amended: 10/9/2007
  • Amended: 7/15/2009
  • Amended: 3/14/2010
  • Amended: 5/3/2011
  • Amended: 5/1/2012
  • Amended: 4/16/2013
  • Amended: 4/22/2014
  • Amended: 11/25/2014
  • Amended: 12/2/2014
  • Amended: 5/5/2015
  • Amended: 9/22/2015
  • Amended: 3/8/2016
  • Amended: 5/3/2016
  • Amended: 5/10/2016
  • Amended: 9/27/2016
  • Amended: 11/16/21

Appendix A: Criteria for Allocations

If the amount requested by the club/organization exceeds USD $3,000, the club/organization must adhere to the following set of rules to ensure a solid recommendation by the Budget Oversight Committee (BOC) to the general board of ASDVC. The BOC will be strictly reviewing the following list during your presentation and keeping a record for future consideration. If the club/organization fails to comply with the given criteria, future funding may be jeopardized.

Category 1: Student Learning Outcomes

  • Have at least 3 student learning outcomes for participating studentsb. Have at least 3 student learning outcomes for students at Diablo Valley College as a whole.

Category 2a: Campus Events

  • Have an expected attendance for the eventb. Have planned promotion methods to attract college-wide participation.

Category 2b: Off-Campus Conferences/Events

  • Have a strategy for promoting the benefits of the conference/off-campus event to non-attendees/non-participants (e.g. uploading video presentations of the conferences on social networking sites, sending video presentations to the Inquirer Office or ASDVC)
  • Be able to describe how this activity will boost the reputation of DVC

Category 3: Good Standing with ICC (for on-campus clubs only)

  • ASDVC shall communicate with ICC with regards to the standing of clubs/organizations, including number of ICC meetings missed

Category 4: Funding Sources

  • Be able to list all sources of monetary contributionb. Be able to describe any fundraising efforts

Category 5: ASDVC Promotion

  • Have a method for promoting ASDVC’s support of the event.