Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Foster Youth Services

START+NextUp are support programs designed to increase access, retention, and graduation rates for current or former foster youth at DVC.

START+NextUp provides a warm and welcoming environment, creates a support network, and empowers foster youth students to make progress toward self-sufficiency, professional success, and community leadership.

How Can START+NextUp Help You?

  • Home base community on campus
  • Wrap-around support from enrollment to graduation
  • Consistent guidance from a dedicated team of staff, counselors, and peers
  • Maximize financial aid eligibility (FAFSA, Chafee, grants, and scholarships)
  • Access to emergency grants (based on funding)
  • Priority registration - be the first to pick your classes before they fill up
  • Social events, trips, and workshops that promote academic, career and personal growth
  • Maximize connection to other resources based on each student's unique needs
  • Recognition and celebration of educational milestones
  • Leadership and networking opportunities
  • Graduation regalia (cap, gown, and program stole)
  • Care packages - birthdays, special events, learning themes, etc.
  • Semester supply kits
  • and so much more!

How to Apply for the START+NextUp Foster Youth Services Program

To apply for the START+NextUp Foster Youth Services Program, students must complete the following:

  1. Complete the DVC Application: CCCApply 
    1. If you are unsure how to complete this step, contact the START+NextUp Program Coordinator for assistance
  2. Complete the START+NextUp Program Application
  3. Schedule an intake appointment with START+NextUp Program Coordinator - email or call 925-969-2217
  4. Provide verification that you are/were in court-ordered out-of-home care placement for at least one day

In preparation for your START intake appointment, students are recommended to gather the following documents:

  • Verification of court-ordered out-of-home care placement.
    • If you are having trouble obtaining this document, the START+NextUp Coordinator can assist you with this step
    • Picture ID

START Counseling

On-campus and remote counseling appointments are available. Current DVC START students can fill out the online form below to request a counseling appointment with a START counselor. New or prospective students should contact us at to have a conversation with program staff before counseling can be scheduled.

START Counseling Request Form

START Offers a Variety of Services for Incoming and Current DVC Foster Youth Students:

    • Application, orientation, assessment, educational plan
    • Priority registration
    • Resolution of residency issues
    • Individualized and expedited financial aid processing (FAFSA, BOG, CHAFEE, Missing Information Checklist, etc.)
    • John Burton Foundation Program (book fund, while supplies last)
    • Scholarship referrals and completion of letters of recommendation
    • On-campus connections - EOPS, DSS, tutoring, career and transfer services, counseling, etc.
    • Off-campus referrals - housing, childcare, transportation, food banks, etc.
    • Dedicated START counselor
    • Monthly social gatherings, workshops, celebrations
    • On-campus employment and leadership opportunities
    • Regular check-ins with START staff

Contact Us

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 127

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.