Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Program Overview

CalWORKs is designed to provide comprehensive and coordinated student services to individuals who receive cash assistance from the Employment and Human Services Department and are enrolled at Diablo Valley College.

The CalWORKs program strives to empower each participant in attaining personal and academic growth, meaningful employment, and long-term economic stability. The program is designed to help CalWORKs students complete the academic and career training they need to successfully move from welfare-to-work and to become economically self-sufficient. The program provides coordinated services for child-care, work-study, job development and job placement assistance, and personal and professional development.

The CalWORKs Office works with students to make sure they are meeting welfare-to-work requirements established by the County Department of Social Services and ensure they access all available resources to optimize academic success.

The CalWORKs program staff members are committed to creating an environment which promotes:

  • Student success
  • Education and training leading to family self-sufficiency
  • Student empowerment and advocacy
  • Lifelong learning
  • A spirit of truth, mutual understanding and respect
  • Development of the whole person
  • Development and achievement of individual goals

Priority Registration

How to maintain priority registration as a CalWORKs student

Students, including CalWORKs students, must complete the following to receive a Priority Registration date:

  1. Complete the Online Orientation
  2. Take the Math and English assessments
  3. Start an Education Plan

To schedule an appointment in person

Visit the CalWORKs Office located on the first floor of the Student Services Center, Suite 127. Check-in at “Station One” in the front lobby with your student ID, state or federally issued photo identification and ask to speak to a CalWORKs staff member.

To schedule an appointment by phone

Call the CalWORKs office at 925-969-2120 or 925-969-2128 and schedule an appointment to meet with the CalWORKs coordinator.

We look forward to seeing you in the CalWORKs office to begin a career path that will lead to self-sufficiency and financial independence.

CalWORKs Checklist

Below is a helpful checklist of what you need to get started in the CalWORKs program.

  • Schedule an appointment to meet with a social worker at your local county Employment and Human Services Department to determine eligibility.  

    The social worker will give you a complete list of required documents, so plan at least on the following documents:

    • Social Security card
    • Photo ID
    • Proof of rent
    • Birth certificate
    • Verification of income
    • Bank statements
    • Complete a FAFSA at  Need Help? Visit the Financial Aid Office on the first floor of the DVC Student Services Center during drop-in hours and a financial aid assistant will help.
    • Complete the DVC Online Orientation, take the math and English assessments and start an online education plan in the InSite Portal, Student Planning tab, for Priority Registration eligibility.
    • Meet with a DVC Academic Counselor to create the formal education plan to be sent to your county worker.
  • After county approval of CalWORKs, visit the DVC CalWORKs Office to pick up an application packet and schedule a CalWORKs orientation. Be sure to bring the following documents to orientation:

    • Photo ID
    • Income verification of TANF/county cash aid such as Benefits Information Request or Notice of Action
    • Completed DVC CalWORKs application
    • Completed book, supplies and parking permit vouchers
    • Grades from the previous term (only for continuing students)
    • Current term course schedule of approved units - classes must match your education plan
    • Welfare to Work Activity Plan with an expiration date, if available

CalWORKs Services

  • We help to facilitate the process and paperwork to successfully fulfill CalWORKs county time and work participation requirements.

  • We connect you with testing to determine your entry level for required courses to fulfill certificate and degree programs.

  • We offer career planning to help you chose an appropriate vocation. Several short-term courses are offered to help in this decision-making.

  • We offer career planning to help you chose an appropriate vocation. Several short-term courses are offered to help in this decision-making.

  • We help to facilitate accessing resources from the county to help assure that you get each term off to a good start.

  • We will connect you with on- and off-campus job opportunities that help maximize your benefits to pay for school and provide valuable work experience. We can connect you with the Career and Employment Center in preparing resumes and practicing for interviews.

  • Eligible students will receive assistance in obtaining work study jobs which will help meet work participation requirements and do not affect your cash aid.

  • We offer access to information about hundreds of resources throughout the community as well as providing a comprehensive review of services available at the college.

  • The key to college success is being equipped with the appropriate skills. The college provides Brown Bag (lunchtime) Workshops and College Success Workshops that help facilitate the student's academic and personal growth. Many of these workshops and events are geared for CalWORKs students. 

Contact Us

CalWORKs Marcia Perata

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 127

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.