Spring classes start January 27. Don't wait! Register now for in-person, hybrid & online classes!

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Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education (CARE)

The CARE program provides support services to assist single parents who are participating in CalWORKs/TANF, and are currently receiving county cash aid either for his/herself or his/her child(ren).

In order to be eligible for CARE, a new CARE student must be eligible for EOPS and be enrolled in 12.0 units. Exceptions can be made for students with disabilities enrolled in less than 12.0 units or new EOPS students who are considered full-time with 9.0 -11.9 units.

CARE has many benefits for students. It provides an opportunity to achieve educational, vocational, and occupational training goals that will contribute to a meaningful career and help to maintain a stable family lifestyle.

CARE Services

CARE students are eligible to receive all EOPS services. Additionally, CARE students may be eligible to receive the following "above and beyond" services:

  • Supplemental child care study-time grants
  • Supplemental book/supply vouchers
  • Specialized parent events and workshops
  • Winter celebration for parent students and their families
  • DVC parking permits, budget permitting
  • Regalement Meals Program (on-campus vouchers for food)
  • Supply kits

Important Deadlines

  • Friday, April 4, 2025: Complete mid-semester check-in with EOPS Peer Advisor
  • Friday, April 4, 2025: Complete progress reports for each class
  • Friday, May 23, 2025: Complete two counseling appointments

Eligibility and Requirements

    • In order to be eligible for CARE, a new CARE student must be eligible for EOPS and be enrolled in 12.0 units. Exceptions can be made for students with disabilities enrolled in less than 12.0 units or new EOPS students who are considered full-time with 9.0 -11.9 units.
    • Be a California resident or qualify for AB 540 status (e.g., meet California resident requirements) 
    • Be enrolled in 12 units or more (special exceptions for students in DSS, Former/Current Foster Youth and Student Parents)
    • Qualify for the California Promise Grant (method A or B)
    • Be considered "educationally disadvantaged" as determined by EOPS Guidelines (Note: EOPS Staff will screen for this and inform you if you meet this determination.)
    • Not have completed more than 70 degree-applicable units in any combination of higher education institutions
  • Complete the following EOPS semester requirements to remain in good standing with the program:

    1. Complete two EOPS counseling appointments.  There are multiple ways to schedule:
      • Schedule an appointment yourself through a system called eSARS:

        Please note: Appointments can only be scheduled two weeks in advance. eSARS will not show appointments beyond 2 weeks of the current date.

      • Use the EOPS Counseling Appointment Request Form to request an appointment.

        Please note: You will receive a response to your request form within 24-48 business hours. 

      • Call the EOPS office at 925-969-2117 to schedule an appointment.
    2. Complete EOPS progress reports in each of your classes.
    3. Complete one mid-semester check-in with EOPS Peer Advisor.
    4. Complete 67% of your attempted units.
    5. Complete the semester with a 2.00 or better GPA.

Contact Us

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 127

Pleasant Hill Hours

Dec 16 - 19: M-TH 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Dec 20 - Jan 1: Closed for Winter Break
Jan 2 - 17: M-TH 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Jan 20: Closed for MLK Day
Jan 22 - Feb 7: M-TH 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., F 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Feb 10 - May 23: M-TH 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.