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Accommodation Disputes

The college has adopted a policy and set of procedures specifically for handling accommodation disputes. The following section gives information on the procedure to follow if you have a complaint.

Academic accommodation requests may be authorized only when the student has completed the college's disability documentation and intake process, has formally requested an accommodation, and the accommodation is determined not to alter course content or present an undue administrative or financial burden on the college. Disability Support Services (DSS) is charged with using state and federal regulations to determine that:

  • The individual is a qualified person with a disability
  • The individual has educationally-related functional limitations qualifying for accommodation
  • The academic adjustment/accommodation is appropriate

If an individual disagrees with this determination or if the accommodation is denied, disputed or otherwise found inadequate, the student will follow the Informal Resolution procedure.

Steps in the Informal Resolution of Academic Accommodation Complaints

  1. A student dissatisfied with the decisions of DSS can discuss their concern with the appropriate DSS staff member first. If the concern is unresolved, he/she can speak to the DSS Manager, then Dean of Student Support Services, then to the campus 504 and/or ADA officer, if necessary.
  2. If an instructor disagrees with the DSS' professional recommendation or denies an accommodation to a student, either student or instructor may contact the DSS staff member that originally authorized the accommodation. Informal meetings shall proceed within three (3) instructional days. They may include all parties involved, including, if necessary, the Division Dean or designee and the Dean of Counseling and Student Support Services.
  3. If no informal resolution is reached within three (3) instructional days, the student, instructor or the DSS professional will refer the matter to the ADA/504 coordinator for review. The 504/ADA officer will render a decision and inform all parties within three (3) instructional days.
  4. If the instructor or student disagrees with the decision, they will notify the 504/ADA officer in writing within three (3) days and an official college Grievance Process will be instituted.
  5. The accommodation originally authorized by DSS will be permitted for at least a three (3) week period while the matter is under appeal. In the case of a dispute with DSS, the accommodation will be authorized for this period, if it does not represent an undue burden to do so. The 504/ADA officer will make any necessary determinations to extend the time period.

Steps in the Formal Hearing Process for Academic Accommodation Complaints

Parties who wish to appeal a decision made by the ADA coordinator at the conclusion of the informal resolution process may then proceed with the formal college "Student Grievance Process", as outlined in the College Catalog and reprinted in the appendix.

Contact Us

Disability Support Services

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 248

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

San Ramon West Building - SRC W Room 118

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.