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DSS Student Handbook: Student Rights & Responsibilities

Learn about student rights and responsibilities through the Disability Support Services Office at Diablo Valley College.

Student Rights

  1. Participation by students with disabilities in DSS is entirely voluntary. Students may choose to request services through the ADA or Section 504 Coordinator. These coordinators will then designate a district official with knowledge of accommodation requirements to review such requests. Students will be required to provide disability verification before services are provided. The DSS process has been designed to be the most expedient in meeting student needs.
  2. Receiving support services from DSS does not prevent a student from participating in any other course, program, or activity offered by the college.
  3. All records maintained by DSS personnel pertaining to students with disabilities are protected from disclosure and are subject to all other requirements for handling of student records.

Student Responsibilities

Students receiving services and/or instruction through the DSS office shall:

  1. Comply with the Student Code of Conduct adopted by the college as written in the college catalog;
  2. Be responsible in their use of DSS services and adhere to written service provision policies adopted by DSS;
  3. Make measurable progress toward the goals established in the student's Student Educational Contract, and meet academic standards established by the college;
  4. Assume personal responsibility for taking any medications;
  5. Be responsible for the provision of personal attendant care. DSS staff will not provide this service.

Abuse of Services

Abuse of services is defined as a failure to comply with the policies and procedures of the individual services that a student is using. Failure to comply with these policies or procedures may result in termination of that service.

  1. Prior to the termination of a service, the student will be notified in writing that, unless s/he meets with a DSS counselor to discuss the area of concern, the service will be automatically terminated one (1) week from the date of the letter.
  2. Once an "Intent to Terminate Services" letter has been sent, the student must agree to and sign a "Contract for
  3. Continuation of Services" before the date of termination in order to avoid termination of services.
  4. If a service is terminated, it will be terminated only for the current term.
  5. Terminated services may be reinstated during the current term only with the authorization of a DSS counselor, and only if there are extenuating circumstances which warrant reinstatement.

Appeal Process

Students seeking to appeal the termination of services should seek remedy through the Program Manager of DSS. If, after consulting with the DSS Program Manager, students are still not satisfied, they may appeal to the Dean of Student Services.

If a DSS counselor approves a student's appeal, s/he will be asked to agree to and sign a "Contract for Continuation of Services" to avoid service termination. If a service is terminated, it will be only for the current term.

Students seeking to further appeal the DSS counselor's decision should seek remedy through the Program Manager of DSS. If, after consulting with the DSS Program Manager, students are still not satisfied, they may appeal to the Dean of Student Services.

Failure to comply with these standards may result in termination of DSS services.

Contact Us

Disability Support Services

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 248

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

San Ramon West Building - SRC W Room 118

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.