Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Transfer Process

If you plan to transfer to a four-year college or university to complete your bachelor's degree, it is important that you understand the transfer process.

Below are five key steps to ensure transfer success. We also encourage you to visit the Career and Transfer Center to get additional support and resources, and to get all your questions answered.

Learn About DVC's Transfer Support Services

Five Steps to Transfer

    • Take guidance classes taught by DVC counselors to help you decide your major and transfer goals.
      • Career 110: Career and Life Planning (3 units)
      • Career 120: Career Assessment (1 unit) - not designed to be taken with Career 110
      • Career 130: Career and Major Exploration (1 unit)*
      • Career 140: Job Search Strategies (1 unit)*
      • Counseling 130: Transfer Planning (1.5 units)
    • Take some major and/or career assessments to help narrow down your interests, values, and skills
    • Still undecided? Take transferable introduction courses that interest you from IGETC or CSUGE.
    • TIP: Check the transferability of courses before you take them!
    • New students with less than 12 units should register for and complete our Education Planning class – COUNS-095 (or COUNS-096 for student athletes) - as part of the DVC's enrollment process.
    • After you have an initial educational plan on file, you can make an appointment to work with an academic counselor each semester to plan for any changes in requirements or timelines.
    • Plan which courses to take each term such as:
      • Completing IGETC or other GE patterns
      • Major requirements/pre-requisites
      • Other requirements for transfer (unit minimums, GPA requirements, deadlines, etc.)
    • can help you stay up to date and you can monitor your educational plan on InSite's Student Planning tool.
    Educational Plan
    • Schedule an appointment with a university representative.
    • Check the admission requirements
      • GPA - What is the minimum to apply? What is the minimum to be competitive?
      • Units - How many units are needed to transfer?
        • Use the Unit Conversion Chart for quarter systems
      • Re-check general education, pre-major and lower division requirements for transfer
    • Check timelines
      • For college or university application deadlines (usually about 10 months before you start at the transfer institution)
      • DVC's academic calendar for AA/AS/ADT degree and certificate filing/application dates
      • For transcript deadlines, check your e-mail for messages from your school after you apply and utilize our post-application checklist
  • How do I apply for transfer to each university campus/system?

    Access information and resources on these pages:

    What do I do after I apply?

    For transcript deadlines and other important dates after you apply, check your email for messages from your school and utilize our post-application checklist. Explore transfer scholarships available to apply for through the DVC scholarship office.

    How can I get additional help?

    Visit the Career and Transfer Center for help through the whole process - we look forward to working with you!

Contact Us

Career and Transfer Services

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 202

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.