DVC welcomes and supports undocumented students throughout their college journey. Explore our AB 540 resources and information regarding financial aid, transferring to a university, and more!
Explore our AB 540 resources and information regarding financial aid, transferring to a university, and more!
AB 540 Resources at DVC

AB 540 Transfer Resources
Financial Aid and Scholarships
More Resources
- Immigrants Rising's College Resource
- Pre-Health Dreamers
- United We Dream: Research Publications
- Life After College: A Guide for Undocumented Students
For more information about AB 540, visit the Educators for Fair Consideration website or The New Partnership Foundation Scholarly Research on Undocumented Students website.
Para más información sobre la ley AB 540, visite el sitio web de Educadores para la consideración justa o el sitio web de La Alianza de Investigación Fundación Nueva académicos para estudiantes indocumentados.