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Apply for Disability Support Services

If you feel you might benefit from disability support services at DVC, review our eligibility guidelines and follow our steps to apply!

Eligibility Requirements

Individuals with mobility, visual, hearing, speech, learning, intellectual, and mental health disabilities, as well as those who have acquired brain injuries, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, chronic or intermittent health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, seizure disorders, cardiac disorders, multiple sclerosis, pulmonary disorders, or carpal tunnel syndrome may benefit from our services.


Once you have applied and turned in your documentation you will meet with a DSS counselor who will review your documentation and explain the services you are eligible for and how to receive those services. To continue receiving services from the DSS program you must see a DSS counselor at least once per academic year. 

Before You Apply

First Steps and Documentation

Before applying for DSS services, first time and returning students must first complete the DVC application.

Required Documentation

  • If you received services in high school, you may include an IEP or 504 plan.
  • For learning disabilities, please provide DSS with your Psycho-educational report.
  • If you are working with a physician, psychologist or psychiatrist, attach a letter from your current physician that includes your diagnosis and functional limitations or have your physician complete the Disability Verification Form [PDF].
  • Other documentation can be:
    • Note from doctor or medical provider
    • Regional Center report
    • Document from Veterans Affairs
    • Disability Verification Form [PDF] completed by professional
    • If you are subject to conservatorship governing your education, please submit those documents with your application.

Once you have a DVC ID number and your documentation, you may then complete the DSS application.

Step-By-Step Instructions

Note: In order to receive services all steps below must be completed:

Step 1

Complete and sign a DSS Application for services and attach documentation of your disability.

Step 2

A DSS staff member will reply to your application with available drop-in times for DSS counseling. Be sure to check your DVC InSite email for the reply to your application. This email will be sent within a week after submitting your application.

Step 3

Meet with a DSS counselor to create an Academic Accommodation Plan

Step 4

Sign your Academic Accommodation Plan and complete the accommodation request forms for that semester.

For questions regarding the DSS application process please email Nichole Santamaria.

Temporary Services

If you have a temporary disability, such as sprained ankle, broken leg, or physical limitations due to pregnancy, you must complete an DSS Application for Services and also provide DSS with a letter from your physician or have your physician complete the Disability Verification Form [PDF]. Students with an obvious visible disability may also request visual verification by visiting the DSS office, SSC 248.

Contact Us

Disability Support Services

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 248

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

San Ramon West Building - SRC W Room 118

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.