News Hub

art digital media

DVC student designs chosen for Oakland billboards

Aug 15, 2017

Oakland Digital sponsors an annual billboard design competition called Inspire Oakland. Launched in 2009, Oakland Digital is an award-winning, non-profit, digital marketing agency that has impacted the lives of 5,200 East Bay students and entrepreneurs.


Dr. John Freytag honored as CCCCD Teacher of the Year

May 1, 2017

Dr. John Freytag, DVC department chair for biological sciences and oceanography lead instructor, has been chosen as the Contra Costa Community College District’s honoree for Teacher of the Year. This award is part of the Contra Costa County Office of Education’s participation in the statewide Teacher of the Year (TOY) program.


History Success Stories

Apr 26, 2017

Mary Ann Irwin, lecturer at California State University, East Bay (Hayward, California), and Diablo Valley College (Pleasant Hill, California), has been chosen as the next editor of California History.

Culinary Arts

Terry Braggs – Former Culinary Arts Student

Mar 28, 2017

Former DVC culinary arts student Terry Braggs talks about his successes and his diverse culinary career after DVC.


Lily E. Espinoza, Ed.D. – Former DVC student

Mar 3, 2017

Meet former DVC liberal studies student, Lily E. Espinoza. Learn about her career after DVC and her first book, Not Getting Stuck: success stories on being Latina and transferring from a California community college.




