Class Registration Dates & Important Deadlines

Late Add & Drop Classes
On the list of important dates each term, pay attention to the following deadlines:
- Last day to drop full-term classes with eligibility for fee refund or credit
- Last day to add full-term class – online
To add a class after it begins you will need to speak with the instructor. If the instructor has space in the course and is willing to take additional students they will grant you permission to add the class through Student Planning on InSite portal. Once you have obtained permission (via text message notification, email or alert on the portal) follow the steps below:
- Log into InSite.
- Click on the "Registration" tile and select "Register from your Ed Plan".
- If you have the class pre-added then move on to #4. If you do not have the class added to the plan then search for it using the search box on the upper right corner of the screen.
- Once it is on your plan a note should appear that says "Authorized to Add". If you do not see it make sure to double check the section number and class information.
- Click "Register". Verify that the course is added by checking your schedule.
Late add petitions
Students with extenuating circumstances (documentation may be requested) may be able to add a class after the last day to add. Students may request late adds from the instructor. Once the form is submitted, the instructor and dean will review and sign the form, if approved, and Admissions and Records will add you to the class within 2 business days.
Late Add FAQs How To Late Add a Class -
On the list of important dates each term, pay attention to the following deadlines:
- Last day to drop full term classes without a “W” appearing on transcript
- Last day to withdraw from a full-term course with a “W” appearing on transcript
Students are responsible for dropping classes and adhering to drop deadlines. Non-attendance or non-payment of a class will not remove the student from enrollment and will not remove the responsibility to pay the registration fees. Students who do not drop a class may receive an “F” for the term.
Students may drop classes online through InSite or in person at the Admissions and Records Office. *We do not accept drop requests via fax.*
Students dropping classes in person must have a completed Schedule Request form and photo ID. See the calendar of important dates in the schedule of classes for drop deadlines for full term classes. Short term classes have different deadlines and students must check with their instructor for deadline information.
How to Drop a Class
Final Examination Schedules
Final examinations for full-term classes during fall and spring terms will be held during the last week of instruction – please check with your instructor for more information. Summer final exams are scheduled by the instructors and are generally held on the last day of instruction. Confirm with your instructor.