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Financial Aid Repeat Coursework Policy

In accordance with federal financial aid regulations, CCCCD has developed the following Financial Aid Repeat Coursework Policy.

The financial aid department at each campus is required to limit the number of times that a student may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course by adjusting the student’s enrollment level for financial assistance programs when the student enrolls in a previously attempted course. The following information outlines the provisions of this policy:  

Repeat Coursework that May Be Included in Enrollment Level 

A repeated course can be included in the student’s enrollment level for financial aid payments if the course is retaken:

  • To repeat a failed/non-passing course until a passing grade is received, or
  • To repeat one time any course in which the student previously received a passing grade

Definition of Failed/Non-Passing and Passing Grades 

Failed/Non-Passing Grades

For purposes of this policy, a “failed/non-passing” grade is defined as a Withdrawal (W), Incomplete (I), In Progress (IP), No Pass (NP), Report Delay (RD) or Failing (F) grade.

Passing Grades

For purposes of this policy, a “passing” grade is defined as an A, B, C, D, or P grade.

Other Important Provisions of this Policy

Third attempts

Units for a course being repeated for the third time will not be included in the enrollment level for financial aid payments if the course has received a passing grade on any of the previous two attempts.

Maximum Timeframe

All units for repeat coursework will be included in the total cumulative units attempted for purposes of determining a student’s Maximum Timeframe, as defined in the CCCCD Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy.

Application of this Policy

This Financial Aid Repeat Coursework Policy applies to all repeat coursework, regardless of whether the student received financial aid payments for any previous attempts of the repeat coursework.

Course Repetition Guidelines

Please note that, the Financial Aid Repeat Coursework Policy applies only to determining which coursework is eligible to be considered in the enrollment level for financial aid payments. This policy is separate from and does not affect the institution’s academic Course Repetition guidelines set forth by any campus within CCCCD. The financial aid department does not determine when a student is eligible to enroll in a repeated course. Please refer to your campus’s College Catalog for more information regarding Course Repetition. CCCCD allows a student to enroll in the same course up to three times.


The examples below will assist with understanding how the policy is applied:

Example 1

John Doe attempted English 1 and received an “F” grade. He takes the course a second time, and receives an “F” grade again. He enrolls in English 1 again to try a third attempt. This course is eligible to be included in John’s enrollment level for financial aid payments on the third attempt, only because he has not received a passing grade for any of the previous two attempts (Section III).

Example 2

Jane Doe attempted History 1 and received a “D” grade. She enrolls in the course a second time to improve her grade. This course is eligible to be included in Jane’s enrollment level for financial aid payments because it is a second attempt of a course for which the student received a passing grade for no more than one previous attempt (Section I).

Example 3

John Doe attempted Math 1 and received a “D” grade. He enrolls in the course a second time, but ends up withdrawing and receiving a “W” on the second attempt. He enrolls in the course again for a third time to improve his grade. This course is not eligible to be included in John’s enrollment level for financial aid payments on this third attempt because he has already received a passing grade on one of the previous attempts (Section III).

Example 4 

Jane Doe enrolled in PE 1 and received an “A” grade. She enjoys the course and enrolls in it again. This course is eligible to be included in Jane’s enrollment level for financial aid payments because it is a second attempt of a course for which the student received a passing grade on no more than one previous attempt (Section I). Jane decides to enroll in the class a third time. This third attempt is not eligible to be included in Jane’s enrollment level for financial aid payments because it is a third attempt for which she has already received a passing grade on one of the previous attempts (Section III). 

Contact Us

Financial Aid Office

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 107

Remote and/or In-Person Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

San Ramon West Building - SRC W

Remote and/or In-Person Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F closed