Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Tuition & Fees

Learn about the tuition and fees for attending DVC.

Below are details about the tuition and fees associated with attending DVC. Note that some of these fees may not be applicable to you. 

Additionally, we provide an Estimated Cost of Attendance, a total projected cost to attend for a specific period, including enrollment fees, meals, housing, books, supplies, transportation, and personal expenses.

View the Estimated Cost of Attendance

Tuition and Fees

  • The current enrollment fee for all students is $46 per unit.

    Please note that fees are due at time of registration. Students are not dropped for failure to pay. It is the student’s responsibility to pay all fees even if the student withdraws from class(es) after the refund deadline.

  • In addition to the $46 enrollment fee, non-residents of California will pay $383 per unit, totaling $429 per unit.

  • In addition to the $46 enrollment fee, international students, non-immigrant visa holders, or students without eligible legal status will pay $383 per unit, totaling $429 per unit.

    International Student Fees & Payment Instructions
  • All students are subject to a $1 per unit Student Union Fee. Student Union Fees will not exceed $10 for the academic year and are not covered by the California Promise Grant. These fees are used to maintain the Student Center and are only applicable to courses based at the Pleasant Hill campus.

  • The voluntary $5 Student Activity Fee allows student government to provide funding for student-related activities and services. The Student Activity Fee is voluntary. Refund forms are available online (PDF), at the Cashier’s Office, Student Life Office. Refund forms must be submitted in person or by U.S. mail to the DVC Cashier’s Office ONLY. Requests for refund forms must be received within the first two weeks of instruction for a full semester class, or before 10 percent of the class time for a short-term class. Refund checks will be issued monthly after the first two weeks of instruction each semester.

  • This $2 fee is charged at registration for fall and spring semesters, and allows the student government to provide support for governmental affairs representatives of local or statewide student body organizations. The Student Representation Fee is voluntary. Refund forms are available online (PDF), at the Cashier's Office, or at the Student Life Office. Refund forms must be submitted in person or by U.S. mail to the DVC Cashier’s Office ONLY. Requests for refund forms must be received within the first two weeks of instruction for a full semester class, or before 10 percent of the class time for a short-term class. Refund checks will be issued monthly after the first two weeks of instruction each semester.

  • Some courses require additional materials fees. See course notes for details.

  • Parking permits are required for the Pleasant Hill campus, but not the San Ramon campus. Permits are available for purchase online only; not on campus. Learn more about semester and daily parking permits.

Student Debts to the College

Students are expected to pay their registration fees and all other financial debts at the time of registration. Students who owe enrollment fees or other debts will not be permitted to register for classes and will not receive a diploma until their debts have been paid.

  • If your debt remains unpaid, Diablo Valley College may garnish your California state tax return through the state mandated Chancellor's Office Tax Offset Program (COTOP). In this instance, a 33 1/3 percent administrative fee will be added to your delinquent balance. This balance will be forwarded for collection to the State Franchise Tax Board (FTB). In the event you are owed a state tax refund, win a California Lottery prize, or have unclaimed property to be distributed to you by the State of California Controller's office for the upcoming tax year California State Government Code sections 12419.2, 12419.7, 12419.10, and 12419.11 authorize the Office of the State Controller and the FTB to collect money owed to individuals and redirect these funds to pay the individual's debt owed to the agencies/colleges.


It is the student's responsibility to drop courses. Please see the Calendar of Important Dates in the Schedule of Classes or check with your instructor for deadlines.

  • To receive an enrollment fee refund, students must withdraw from school or drop class by the refund eligibility deadline. Refund checks for complete or partial withdrawals from school will be processed after the first two weeks of instruction. Refund checks will be mailed to the student address on file in the college Admissions and Records Office. If you have a new address, please notify the office as soon as possible. If you paid online by credit card, a refund will be issued to the credit card used for payment.

    Review the refund policy concerning all fees. 

Contact Us

Cashier's Office

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 116

Hours: M-TH 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.