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DVC Student Recruitment Policy

If you are an employer interested in recruiting DVC students, make sure you understand the DVC Student Recruitment Policy.

DVC Student Recruitment by Employers

DVC Procedure 3111.01

The purpose of this Procedure is to regulate the recruitment of students for employment by the private and public sector. Enforcement of this Procedure is intended to support and contribute to a campus environment conducive to student learning and enhance the opportunity for students to interact with local businesses and community employers. In line with the College’s Mission, this Procedure supports workforce development by providing students with access to career development services necessary to help them establish and fulfill educational plans appropriate to their career goals. This procedure encourages partnerships between the community and DVC to spur economic growth.

This Procedure supplements existing CCCCD policies and procedures related to free expression, advertising, solicitation, and sales and distribution of commercial materials. Career & Employment Services is responsible for administering this Procedure, unless otherwise noted. The College is a non-public forum, except for areas designated in this Procedure as limited public forum.

Diablo Valley College Career & Employment Services maintains recruitment processes that are fair and equitable to candidates and employing organizations in accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Principles of Professional Conduct.

Student Recruitment by Employers

Student recruitment by Employers (hereafter referred to as “recruitment”) is defined as the process by which employers, businesses and agency recruiters connect with DVC for the purpose of hiring DVC students and alumni to work, intern, or volunteer in their organizations.

  • The following policies guide this Procedure and all recruitment activities within Career & Employment Services.

  • DVC serves students and community members from Contra Costa County and the greater Bay Area. Therefore Career & Employment Services focuses efforts on this region and the state of California. Out of state job opportunities will be approved sparingly. Employers wishing to recruit DVC students or alumni should be based in California, or have a local contact person.

  • To promote the safety of our students, DVC requires recruiting organizations and employers to have an established business location and at least one verified form of professional contact information (e.g., phone, email, website). DVC does not approve entities operating out of private homes.

  • Employers must recruit from their table at the assigned location and may not roam the campus seeking students. Recruiters may use flyers or promotional items to invite student interaction and must clean up these items upon the end of their assigned time. Recruiters are not permitted to conduct experiments or engage in activities that could in any way harm a student or community member.

  • DVC supports diversity and inclusion. As such, we expect all employers to engage with students and members of the DVC community in a nondiscriminatory manner. We also encourage employers include an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) statement with all job descriptions.

  • DVC does not allow recruitment from organizations that require jobseekers to pay upfront costs for materials or services, nor from organizations that perform unlawful or unethical activities.

  • Career & Employment Services and San Ramon Campus student services reserve the right to suspend campus recruitment privileges for any employer who repeatedly fails to adhere to the Procedure. Repeatedly missing appointments may result in forfeiture of future reservations or inability to visit in future terms.

  • There are various types of recruitment activities including, but not limited to:

    1.    On-campus Recruitment in the Commons
    2.    Job Fairs and Expos
    3.    Interviewing on Campus
    4.    Online job posting
    5.    Other opportunities, defined later in the document

Recruitment Activities

There are various types of recruitment activities including, but not limited to:

1. On-campus Recruitment in the Commons
2. Job Fairs and Expos 
3. Interviewing on Campus 
4. Online job posting 
5. Other opportunities, defined later in the document 

On-Campus Recruitment

  • On-campus recruitment is permitted in the Commons during the fall and spring semesters only. Summer recruitment is permitted at the discretion of the Career & Employment Services Coordinator or designee. Generally, on-campus recruitment in the Commons is permitted starting the first week of classes of each term and concludes during the last full week of classes at the end of the term. Career & Employment Services will offer on-campus recruitment on consistent days and times that best meet the needs of the students and allow for adequate and effective marketing of and for employers. On-campus recruitment in the Commons will not take place during student/college holidays, including winter and spring break, or immediately prior to large career events, such as job fairs or expos. Other days where employers will not recruit include days where other departments host large events such as Transfer Day.

  • On-campus recruitment will take place in designated areas on each campus. At the Pleasant Hill Campus, on-campus recruitment takes place in the Commons (area in front of the Student Services Building) or, in some cases, in the Career & Employment Services Center. In the cases of inclement weather, recruitment may take place in the Cafeteria with permission of the Cafeteria Manager, obtained by the Career & Employment Services Coordinator or designee. At the San Ramon Campus, on-campus recruitment takes place in the Learning Commons Quad or other areas deemed appropriate by program coordinator of Student Services or designee.

    On-campus recruitment in the Commons is not permitted in or near any academic classrooms, the cafeteria or in other areas including administrative offices or other student services areas that could interfere with student learning or other authorized activities.
    Number of visits per term:

    Employers are welcome to schedule up to six (6) recruitment events per term. The six visits per term are only in reference to employer recruiting on the Commons and do not include activities such as job fairs, career panels, on-campus interviewing, or other career-related events.

  • Employers interested in scheduling on-campus recruitment in the Commons should complete and submit the recruitment request form to Career & Employment Services at least one week in advance of their intended campus visit date in order to assist with marketing and other logistical support. A confirmation letter and parking permit, when required, will be sent to all employers. Requests are approved on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • Flyers and other promotional materials are to be supplied by the employer directly to Career & Employment Services. If received one week in advance or earlier, Career & Employment Services may be able to market events in or more of the following ways:

    •    Notices posted on bulletin board in Career and Transfer Center on the Pleasant Hill campus.
    •    Notice on our online job posting system
    •    Inclusion in the monthly online newsletter
    •    Emails to students and alumni in applicable academic programs
    •    Posts on Career & Employment Services department social media platforms.

    Posting flyers in classrooms, on automobiles, or in other areas not approved by Career & Employment Services, the Student Life Office, or the program coordinator of Student Services at the San Ramon Campus is not permitted. Career and Employment Services (PHC) and Student Services (SRC) do not endorse or take responsibility for flyer content created by employers.

  • Career & Employment Services hosts job fairs at both Pleasant Hill and San Ramon campuses once each year. Dates are determined each year in accordance with the campus calendar, availability of appropriate space and other considerations. Generally, a registration fee is charged for participation in the Job Fair that is used to pay for costs of the event.

  • On-campus interviewing requests will be approved on a case-by-case basis by the Career & Employment Services Coordinator (PHC) or senior dean of the San Ramon Campus (SRC), dependent upon available space and administrative resources.

  • Employers are invited to post open positions within their organizations on the Career & Employment Services online job posting system. This system can be accessed without prior notification to the Career & Employment Services website ( Before posting jobs, employers must create accounts so Career & Employment Services can ensure organizations adhere to guidelines and are not fraudulent. Account holders can then post job openings, which are reviewed for appropriate content and approved on a regular basis.

  • CalWORKs, EOPS and other departments at both the Pleasant Hill and San Ramon Campus locations often host career related events where local businesses and employers are invited to campus to interact with students. Career & Employment Services is available to assist departments, faculty and student clubs with staffing, logistics and other administrative support for these programs, activities and class visits in an effort to ensure positive and collaborative partnerships between businesses and community partners and the two DVC campuses.


  • Education Code section 76120 
  • Penal Code section 556 
  • CCCCD Board Policy sections 2001, 2019, 2043, 3013, 5032, and 6001
  • CCCCD Business Procedure sections 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.06 
  • CCCCD Human Resources Procedure sections 4000.17, 4000.02 
  • CCCCD student services Procedure sections 3025, 3026, 3027
  • DVC Procedure sections 2001.01, 3012.01, 3013.01, 3025.01, 3025.02, 3025.03, 6001.01, 6001.02

Approval History

REVISED: February 22, 2010



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Contact Us

Career and Transfer Services

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 202

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.