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Academic Proctoring Policies

Proctoring Policies

Please review important assessment policies when utilizing DVC's Academic Proctoring Center.

  • Anyone found cheating, or presumed to be cheating, will have all testing materials confiscated, and will be referred to your instructor as well as the conduct officer for disciplinary action.  This could include permanent loss of privileges and access to the Academic Proctoring Center.  The Academic Proctoring Center is equipped with cameras.

  • Any student with a documented disability who would like accommodations made for testing should contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) office located in Student Services Center, Room 248 or call 925-969-2185.

    • Provide your physical photo ID when checking in (photos of your ID will not be accepted).
    • Sign in as requested by staff.
    • Verify the class and test that you are taking.
    • Leave all food and drinks outside of the testing room.
    • Turn off ALL electronic and communication devices, including (but not limited to) cell phones, earphones, translators, smart watches, etc.
    • Cooperate with the proctor if you are assigned a specific seat.
    • For liability issues, and out of respect for others in the APC, we cannot allow non-students or those not taking tests to wait for you in the room or lobby.
    • Please only have testing materials on the workspace; the proctor will give you instructions on where to place your personal items.
    • Hoods or hats that cover your ears must be removed.
    • Work quietly and share the space with other students.
    • Use only the scratch paper provided and return it to the proctor with your test.
    • Cooperate with the proctor if they ask you to stop any suspicious behavior, including but not limited to, looking down in your lap, at your cap, hat, or backpack, looking around at other students’ work, etc.  If suspicious behavior continues, the proctor may declare the test over, ask you to leave, and contact your instructor
    • Bathroom breaks are not permitted.
    • Follow the Student Code of Conduct as described in the DVC catalog.
    • Please bring all scratch paper and personal belongings with you when exiting the room.
    • The Academic Proctoring Center will return your exam to your instructor in the manner that they have requested.  Please contact them for grades.

Contact Us

Placement and Proctoring Center

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 140 (1st floor)