Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Foster & Kinship Care Education

Our Mission

The mission of the Diablo Valley College Foster and Kinship Care Education program is to provide quality education and support to foster, adoptive, and relative caregivers to help ensure they meet the educational, emotional, behavioral, and developmental needs of children and youth who are currently in or adopted from foster care. For relative care providers, we offer support and education whether you are formally working with Children & Family Services or informally providing care to a loved one.

Guiding Values

The development of the Diablo Valley College Foster and Kinship Care Education program is guided by the belief that children and youth will achieve their fullest potential when:

  • They are part of a strong, safe and nurturing family
  • There is consistency in care
  • Caregivers are qualified, caring, and knowledgeable
  • Caregivers are supported
  • Caregivers are linked to community education and support services
  • There is permanency that is in the best interest of the child or youth

Contact Us

Sarah Sears FKCE Program Director

Pleasant Hill Faculty Offices - FO Room 127