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Social Sciences

In the Social Sciences Interest Area you will focus on programs of study that prepare you to complete certificates, degrees, and transfer, and that can lead to a wide variety of careers in the public sector, business, education, and related fields.

Does this describe you?

“I am interested in people and their societies.”

  • I enjoy helping people learn, grow, heal.
  • I am compassionate, a good listener, and would like to improve the quality of life for others.
  • I enjoy learning about human habits, actions, intentions.
  • I like to teach, counsel, train.

Careers with Bright Outlooks

Find a job you'll love! Apply your interest in the public sector, business, education, and related fields.

  • Archivists
  • Curators
  • Economists
  • Forensic Science Technicians
  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers
  • Paralegal and Legal Assistants
  • Preschool Teachers
  • Social Science Research Assistants
  • Special Education Para-educators
  • Urban Regional Planners

Degree & Certificate Programs


Human Behavior

Contact Us

Lisa Ratchford Dean of Social Sciences

Pleasant Hill Faculty Offices - FO Room 134