Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Safety Tips

The Contra Costa Community College District Police Department provides full law enforcement services at all district locations. They additionally collaborate with local law enforcement to reduce and prevent crime. While they work hard to prevent crime, everyone shares responsibility for safety on campus.

Campus safety is a team effort!

Follow these safety tips to protect yourself, your belongings, and your campus community.

    • Stay alert to your surroundings, especially when alone or in the dark.
    • Use well-traveled, open paths and avoid dark or isolated areas.
    • Walk with a friend whenever possible, even during the day.
    • Walk confidently and at a steady pace.
    • If you feel followed, head to populated areas. If in danger, scream or yell to attract attention.
  • To protect your personal property:

    • Never leave it unattended.
    • Take your belongings with you if you leave your study area or cafeteria seat.
    • Always lock your office door, even for short absences.
    • Secure your bicycle with a heavy chain and padlock to a proper bike rack. Avoid locking bikes in doorways or on stairway railings.
    • Always lock your car and take your keys.
    • Secure your windows.
    • Hide packages in the trunk.
    • Keep valuables and personal information out of sight.
    • Install a quality anti-theft device.

Additional Tips for Staying Safe at DVC

To ensure the safest possible campus environment for our students, faculty and staff, the DVC
Safety Committee encourages employees to share the following information, as appropriate,
with students and other members of the community.

1. Know your surroundings.
Be aware of the exit paths and the nearest parking lot (safe evacuation zone) to be
used in the event of an emergency.

2. Download and sign into the CampusShield app!
Request police escorts, contact emergency and non‐emergency services, report emergencies
on the DVC campus, get relevant and updated campus safety information, and much more.
The free app is available in the iTunes and Android stores.

3. Keep your contact info up to date for district emergency text messages.
All employees and registered students are automatically opted in to receive emergency alerts. Visit InSite, select “Settings,” then choose “Manage Your Account,” and finally
“Registered Phones.” From this screen you can update mobile phone numbers.

4. Locate and review how to use the classroom safety communication devices.
When police help is needed in the classroom, push the button, discuss your issue with the
police dispatch, and stay on the line until the call is disconnected by police personnel.

5. Be aware of fire extinguishers, AEDs and transport chairs in your area.
If you are called upon to engage in an emergency, remember to respond only to the level of
your preparation.

7. Report potential safety hazards.
If you see something that does not look safe, say something! You can report it to the silent witness tip line. Students, faculty and staff can call 925-229-6464 to provide information without having to leave any personal information.

8. Visit the district safety website.
Read more information about safety at DVC. 

DVC Campus Police

Pleasant Hill Police Services - POL

San Ramon West Building - SRC W