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What about – Keisha Holmes: CIS Program Opened My Eyes to What is Possible for Me

  • January 29, 2024

For Keisha Holmes, the idea of attending college weren't in her plans until a state rehabilitation case worker encouraged her to apply to DVC so she could return to the workforce. “I was injured over ten years ago and suffer from chronic pain. And I never received a degree because I was also a young parent.”

For Keisha, DVC was the right opportunity at the right time. If she could expand her skill set and acquire a new career, it would also help out at home. “My husband lost his job during the pandemic due to health issues, and I have been trying to boost my skills to not only help us financially but to remain at home to help him through his recovery.”

After reviewing the courses that DVC had to offer, computer information systems (CIS) was the closest program that seemed to fit what sparked her interests and hobbies and what she thought could best fit with her family’s financial needs.

“I thought maybe I could just plug away at being a coder which isn't a bad thing, but then after doing web design, developing video content for websites and WordPress, it got me thinking that there could be more out there for me.”

Keisha is still unclear what she will pursue after graduating but she is now aware of all the options available with the CIS degree. “Taking the courses that I have in this program has opened my eyes to many opportunities that I never thought were possible for me. I have a chance to be a graphic designer, engineer tech, medical illustrator, or coder in the gaming industry.”  

In the midst of balancing her studies and a part-time job as a sales associate, Keisha has been able to integrate her classroom knowledge into her current work. DVC’s career course in particular has helped her discover more about her personality and personal strengths.

“As a social person, I'm good as a customer service representative. When speaking with clients you must find a way to connect with them, and having this awareness has allowed me to use this information and sell more easily to individuals.”

Keisha credits her success at DVC to the invaluable support from professors. This assistance proved especially helpful as she navigated online classes and returned to college as a busy adult learner.

“My professors Mario Tejada, Liz Cabiles, and Loc Huynh are great! Since this was my first time back in college in over twenty years, they made it seem like a breeze. I felt I had access to them at any time I had problems, which has made my educational journey easier.”

What advice does Keisha have for other adults looking to return to college after a gap in education?  “Even though it may be difficult, returning to school will be well worth the effort. The CIS professors I've met have not only helped me when I needed it but have also encouraged me as I navigate my educational path. Know that the professors at DVC understand that balancing work and life is difficult; all you need to do is communicate with them and your journey will be completed by the two of you.”

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