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Martina Ebesugawa

Faculty, Early Childhood Education, Pleasant Hill and San Ramon

Dr. Martina Ebesugawa is a professor of Early Childhood Education at Diablo Valley College. She earned her doctorate (Ed.D) in Learning and Instruction from the University of San Francisco. Her dissertation research focused on system-wide support for early childhood educators serving young children with disabilities in inclusive classrooms in urban communities.

Dr. Ebesugawa has worked in early childhood education and intervention for over 26 years and taught college for over 20 years. She enjoys preparing students to become tomorrow's early childhood educators, especially the students at Diablo Valley College.

Dr. Ebesugawa is the author of the book, The Trails that I Walked at the Foot of Ngong Hills; Working With the Tensions in the Human Struggle, an article published in Exchange magazine; and the Developmental and Social Benefits of the Inclusive E-Karate Community Sports Program, a research article published in the International Journal of the Humanities.

During her free time, Dr. Ebesugawa enjoys writing and watching her favorite television shows with her husband in her spare time.


Dr. Martina Ebesugawa Faculty, Early Childhood Education, Pleasant Hill and San Ramon

Pleasant Hill San Ramon