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Laura Jones-Hagata (She/Her)

Program Co-Lead, Psychology

Professor Laura Jones-Hagata is a Professor of Psychology at Diablo Valley College where she teaches a variety of classes in the Psychology Area and serves on the Research, Planning, and Evaluation committee. Professor Jones-Hagata earned her degree in Experimental Psychology at San José State University (SJSU) while conducting research at Stanford University and proceeded to teach at SJSU and John F. Kennedy University before coming to DVC.

Professor Jones-Hagata has presented at several conferences focusing on careers in psychology, cultural competency, and best online teaching practices. With over 12 years of teaching experience, Professor Jones-Hagata believes that psychology is one of the best subjects to study to help build empathy and compassion. Expanding the students’ horizons to take into consideration how culture, religion, gender, the brain, and society affect a person or population can lead to greater empathy. Professor Jones-Hagata enjoys helping students discover their passions and helping them achieve their goals.


Laura Jones-Hagata (She/Her) Program Co-Lead, Psychology

Pleasant Hill Faculty Offices (FO) 156