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Jeffrey Smith

Department Chair, Architecture & Engineering; Program Lead, Engineering Technology & Industrial Design

Jeffrey Smith, the Chair of the Industrial Design department at Diablo Valley College, is a seasoned figure in the field of industrial design, having graduated from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

Upon graduating, he embarked on a prolific career, making his mark at prominent firms including Exhibit Group Giltspur, Warner Bros, and Lunar Design.

Professor Smith eventually ran his own design & manufacturing company, Brighteyes, before earning his Master of Arts in Education from Chapman University and then a Doctor of Education in Organizational Management & Leadership from Saint Mary’s College.

He is also an active member and Director-at-Large of the Jaguar Associate Group in the San Francisco Bay area. Jeffrey, his wife Carlee, daughter Ellie and son Emmett reside in Martinez, California. 


Jeffrey Smith Department Chair, Architecture & Engineering; Program Lead, Engineering Technology & Industrial Design

Engineering Technology (ET) 124B