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Blen A.

Student Ambassador

Blen A. grew up in Tigray, Ethiopia, and graduated from Dougherty Valley High School in June of 2022. She is currently in her second year at DVC and planning on transferring to a four-year college as a biology major in the near future. She is a first-generation student and therefore has younger family members that look up to her. She is part of the Umoja and Mesa learning communities on campus and is passionate and active when it comes to supporting the Tigrayan community outside of school.

What are you most proud of during your time at DVC?

I am most proud of how much I have grown and how much I have challenged myself to get out of my comfort zone during my time here. I have been able to learn so many different things and meet so many people from diverse backgrounds and I have genuinely enjoyed that.

What is your advice for freshmen starting at DVC?

Don’t be scared to explore different things on campus whether that be classes, resources, programs, etc. I was lucky to join Umoja my first semester and that is what consistently challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and exposed me to different resources on campus. So, make the most out of your time: stay open-minded, meet new people, and challenge yourself to do something you’re interested in!

What is your favorite thing about DVC?

It would have to be all the different types of resources we have; I really appreciate that. We have everything you can think of from help with housing to food from tutoring to technology loans and the best part is that everything is easily accessible. And most importantly, you have a community here that’s supportive and there to help you succeed.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself having a full-time job working in the medical field and I hope to have found my purpose or at least a better understanding of it. I know it will be related to Tigray, my home country, so I hope to have found a creative way to give back to my community as well.

What is on your bucket list?

Traveling is definitely on top of my bucket list. Sometime in my mid 20s, hopefully after finishing my undergraduate degree, I want to spend about three months traveling. I want to take a solo trip to different parts of the world with an emphasis on countries in Africa.

What else should we know about you?

I enjoy listening to music, going to concerts, and hanging out with friends and family. I also like helping others, I find that very rewarding. And if you see me, I’m probably smiling 95% of the time. Lastly, I went to a private French school all my life until mid-high school so I’m fluent in French and speak a total of four languages (Tigrigna, Amharic, French, English).