Art Gallery

The Art Gallery is a one thousand square foot space dedicated to showing the art of DVC students, regional and international artists. The gallery is the art department’s learning laboratory. It provides a crucial opportunity to apply principles taught in the classroom to a real-world context, allowing students to deepen their understanding of art theory and practice while gaining exposure to the professional world of art exhibition, curation, installation, and criticism. As a forum for the visual arts at DVC, the gallery’s mission is to inspire and educate the entire campus community about the vitality and importance of visual art.

Current Exhibit


Wall Flower, by DVC art student Samantha Walsh

Student artwork, fresh from the studio.

For more information visit us at:


June 10 - July 3, 2024


  • Monday - Thursday: 9 am - 2 pm


The Art Gallery is located in the new Art Complex, room 101. Use parking lot 9.

For more information

Arthur Scott King
Art Gallery Coordinator/Instructor

Interested in exhibiting in the art gallery?

Submit a gallery show proposal.

Information about past shows

Check out our Art Gallery History page.

Coordinator: Arthur King
925-969-2245 (office)
925-969-2249 (gallery)
Division: Art
Directory: Applied and Fine Arts