DVC maintains over 40 computer labs on our Pleasant Hill and San Ramon campuses. While many are DVC dedicated classrooms, we also have "open labs" where you can charge, print, and use school-provided computers outside of class time. Support teams are available to help - and most include "Zoom Zones" (space where you can attend your online classes).
Student Centers
Come by to work independently and/or connect with peer tutors, instructors, and counselors in your interest area:
- Arts, Communication & Language Student Center, PAC 101, 102 and 106
- Business, Computer Science & Culinary Student Center, BFL 107, 108 and 109
- Math & Engineering Student Center, LC 200
- Science & Health Student Center, PL 102 and 103
- Social Sciences Student Center, LC 105 and 107
- Academic Support Center - Pleasant Hill, L 150
- Academic Support Center - San Ramon, San Ramon ASC/Library
Additional Labs
Extra support is also available in other computer labs, including technology loans at our Libraries:
- Enrollment Lab (support with enrollment), SSC 119
- High Tech Center (support with Disabilities Support Services), SSC 250
- Library - Pleasant Hill (support with research) 2nd floor Library
- Library - San Ramon (support with research)
- PUMA Center (support with Puente, Umoja and MESA), LCA
- Student Union Lab, SU 201
- Transfer Center Lab, (support with transfer) SSC 202