Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Educational Talent Search

Educational Talent Search (ETS) and Upward Bound (UB) TRIO Programs

Educational Talent Search (ETS) and Upward Bound (UB) are federally funded programs designed to motivate, support, and encourage low-income, first-generation students to graduate from high school and continue on to a post-secondary school of their choice.

ETS and UB are administered by Diablo Valley College. Students from Mt. Diablo Unified School District are preparing for college by participating in ETS and UB. ETS works with 661 eligible students in grades 6-12 from our target schools and target area. UBI works with 62 students and UBII works with 60 students from our target schools: Mt. Diablo, Concord and Ygnacio Valley High Schools.

DVC TRIO Program Services:

  • Summer Activities: Art, English, Math, Journalism, Science, Robotics, College Planning and Financial Literacy, Multicultural Counseling, and Psychology
  • Visiting colleges
  • Career exploration and aptitude assessment
  • College information and assistance with completing admissions applications
  • Financial aid and scholarships information and application assistance
  • Academic, financial, and career counseling, including advice on entry to secondary or postsecondary program
  • Tutorial service
  • Assistance in preparing for college entrance exams
  • Special activities for sixth, seventh, and eighth graders
  • Workshops for the parents of participants

Students must meet program eligibility guidelines, be between the ages of 11 and 27, be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident, and have completed the fifth grade to enroll in ETS and eight grade to enroll in UB. In any given project year, two-thirds of the participants must be low-income and potential first-generation college students.

Program Eligibility Guidelines

Federal TRIO Income Guidelines (Effective January 19, 2023 until further notice)

Family Size     Annual Taxable Income
1                       $21,870
2                       $29,580
3                       $37,290
4                       $45,000
5                       $52,710
6                       $60,420
7                       $68,130
8                       $75,840

For families with more than 8 members add $7,710

Qualify for UB

To check your UB eligibility, email us at to receive the Preliminary Screening Questionnaire in English or Spanish. If you qualify and wish to apply, email us at the same address to request the recommendation form, and have your teachers complete it.

Email us today to confirm your eligibility and request recommendation forms

ETS and UB assistance

ETS and UB provides hands-on assistance with college admissions and financial aid applications. Parents are encouraged to participate in workshops designed to teach them how to support their children through the college admissions process. UB provides academic tutoring at the target schools, one-on-one advising services, academic monitoring, monthly Saturday Enrichment activities, community service, and a six-week academic program. 

ETS application

If you would like to apply for the ETS program, please email us at, and we will send you the application form.

Email us to request your ETS application form

Contact Us

Educational Talent Search and Upward Bound

Pleasant Hill Student Services Center - SSC Room 258

Hours: M-Th 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.F 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.