Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Career Academies

Career Academies Information

DVC Career Academies are short-term college courses designed with high school students in mind but are open to all students during the summer. They allow students to explore various careers fields while earning college credit through hands-on activities and field trips. Please note, that because these courses are "short-term", you must attend everyday.

Below is how to enroll in the career academies and a list of our current career academies.

Apply, Submit, & Register
  1. Apply to DVC for Summer (Starting NOW!)
    1. Create a CCCOpen account and then continue on to the DVC application
    2. Receive DVC student ID# (7-digits w/o letters) via email from InSite
    3. Receive InSite and Canvas username and password via email from InSite
  2. Submit Special Admissions Recommendation Form (Starting in March)
    1. Only for students not graduating this spring or earlier 
    2. Make sure you know the course number and section number you are enrolling in
    3. Must be signed by student, parent, and high school counselor
  3. Register in DVC course through your InSite Portal (Starting in May)
    1. Make sure you know the course number and section number you are enrolling in

For updates on Career Academies, please complete the Academy Interest Form below. 

DVC Summer Career Academies Interest

Career Academies

Film student working in studio

Animation Career Academy

In one week you will learn how to animate and record audio to create your own animation short film.

Business student with computer in classroom

Business Career Academy

Learn about what it takes to start a small business by learning about marketing, accounting, creating a business plan and so much more!

Computer Programming Career Academy

Computer Programming Career Academy

Get hands-on experience with programming languages, problem-solving techniques, and computational thinking.

Students in a classroom working on computers

Cyber Security/Defense Career Academy

Topics including hacking prevention, system hardening, access control, and system protection.

Construction teacher demonstrating tool to student

Engineering, Construction & Manufacturing Career Academy

A week-long activity that blends hands-on exploration, problem-solving, industry field visits, and expert industry viewpoints.

Young students walking on campus

Environmental Engineering Career Academy

Learn about topics such as climate change, wetland ecology, and water quality in the Delta region.

Engineering student working with robotics

FastTRAX Engineering Technology Career Academy

Get exploratory hands-on experience in a variety of Engineering and Technical Careers.

Health student and patient

Health Career Academy

Students have the rare opportunity to visit local healthcare facilities and learn essential healthcare skills. Offered at PHC & SRC.

Industrial Design student in the design lab

Robotics Career Academy

This academy introduces the science and technology in robotic systems.