Summer sessions begin May 27 & June 16. Priority registration begins April 7. View the class schedule and get ready to register!

View the Class Schedule

Are you interested in science and the world around you? Do you want to be able to pursue a wide range of careers?

Through DVC's chemistry program you will gain the knowledge and skills you work in a variety of different career paths. By working with others in class and the laboratory you will develop problem-solving skills, gain practical hands-on experience, and run experiments using modern equipment.

Career Opportunities

The chemistry program will prepare you for work in a variety of occupations and career paths, with additional education, including:

  • Biomedical Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Chemist
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Doctor
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Food Scientist
  • Nursing
  • Pharmacist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Physician's Assistant
  • Veterinarian

Degrees and Certificates

Change your life with a chemistry degree and/or certificate. Our program gives you options to explore.

About degrees and certificates

A certificate readily prepares you to enter a particular field or career. It can also give you new skills for advancement in the workplace.

Associate Degrees:
An associate degree requires a broader education for career options in a range of industries. It's a great step towards earning a bachelor degree at a four-year school or entering the workforce sooner.

Associate Degrees for Transfer:
A transfer degree is equivalent to the first two years of a bachelor’s degree program. Earning one can guarantee admission to California State Universities, some private and online universities, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). ADTs, along with a transfer agreement guarantee (TAG) with the University of California system can help you achieve your goals for less. Learn about transfer services.

Meet our Chemistry Faculty

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Erin Palmer

Erin Palmer

Department Co-Chair - Chemistry

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Crina Orac-Sayre

Department Co-Chair, Chemistry

Contact Us

Erin Palmer Department Co-Chair

Pleasant Hill Physical Sciences - PS Room 245

Dr. Crina Orac-Sayre Department Chair

Pleasant Hill Physical Sciences - PS Room 243