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Improving Grade Point Average

Course Repetition

When students receive a substandard grade (“D,” “F,” or “NP”) for a course, they may enroll in it a second time without being required to request permission. If it becomes necessary for students to attempt a course for the third time, they must request special permission to do so. This request may be made online. Under no circumstances may a student repeat a course more than two times to alleviate a substandard grade (Title 5, section 55042).

If a student repeats the same course one time, the previous grade will not be used in the GPA calculation. Should the student repeat the same course two or more times, only the two previous grades may be disregarded from the GPA calculation. When a course is repeated all grades will appear on the transcript. An”R” notation will appear next to the first grade, (and a second grade if the course is attempted three times) indicating that the course has been repeated.

Academic Renewal Without Course Repetition

Based on the Academic Renewal Policy, substandard grades may be alleviated if they are not reflective a student’s demonstrated academic ability. If Academic Renewal is approved, the student’s permanent record will be notated with the appropriate comments and the substandard grades (“D”, “F”, “NC/NP”) unit values will not be computed in the cumulative grade point average. The “renewed” courses and the related grades will not be removed from the record, as the district is required to show a complete and accurate academic record for every student (Title 5, Section 55046).

Students MUST meet with a counselor to review options for Academic Renewal, as this procedure is irreversible.

  1. Only substandard grades will be renewed.
  2. Courses that have already been removed from GPA by course repetition will not be renewed.
  3. Up to 30 units may be alleviated. Courses within the District can be combined up to the maximum of 30 units, however each college will adjust units on its own transcript;
  4. Require that a student has completed either:
    1. 9 units of work with a 3.5 cumulative grade point average;
    2. 12 units or work with a 3.0 cumulative grade point average;
    3. 15 units of work with a 2.5 cumulative grade point average; or
    4. 20 units of work with a 2.0 cumulative grade point average

The unit count begins the semester after the last substandard grade was received. The course work upon which the application for alleviation is based, may have been completed within the district or any other regionally accredited college or university.

Once student is deemed by a Counselor that they qualify for Academic Renewal, the student must complete the Petition for Academic Renewal Form, using one form per college, obtain a counselor’s signature and turn it into Admissions and Records at any college within the District. If the student is using non-District courses to qualify for the satisfactory work completed and required cumulative GPA, official transcripts must be on file in Admissions and Records prior to petitioning for Academic Renewal.