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Self-Evaluation 2020

An ACCJC member institution accepts the obligation to undergo an educational quality and institutional effectiveness review every six years to maintain its accredited status. The first step in this process is a self evaluation. The self-evaluation process serves several purposes. First it is an opportunity for the institution to conduct a thorough self evaluation against the Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards, including federal requirements, and Commission policies, and the institution's own objectives. The process should enable the institution to consider the quality of its programs and services, the institution's effectiveness in supporting student success, and the degree to which the institution is meeting its own expectations (institution-set standards).

Presentation of Findings January 21, 2020 Flex
Institutional Self Evaluation Report Final 2020
Accreditation Follow-Up Report (October 1, 2021)
Reaffirmation of Accreditation Status Action Letter (January 27, 2022)
Follow-Up Visit Peer Review Team Report (January 27, 2022)