Vice President of Equity and Instruction

2020-21 Goals development process

For the first time in 2020-2021, the vice presidents and deans of Diablo Valley College developed shared goals for the academic year.  These goals are aligned with the president’s goals and the DVC Educational Master Plan. We also jointly developed strategies to achieve these goals.  Individuals will pursue strategies that are specific to their areas of responsibility and scope of work.  Our focus on shared goals and strategies will leverage our ability to lead change and advance equity at the college.

VP/Deans goals
  1. Using an equity lens, support the development of pathways as a strategy to implement the Educational Master Plan.
    1. Strategy: Using the ASC model, integrate student-centered support services within each Interest Area.
    2. Strategy: Improve the communication about and footprint of Interest Areas across the college.
    3. Strategy: Plan and implement the reorganization of management to support Interest Areas.
    4. Strategy: Improve collaboration, connections, and relationships by developing an integrated leadership model for the college.
    5. Strategy: Use data for ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the interventions along the student journey (e.g: Learning communities, tutoring, etc).
    6. Strategy: Support improvements and innovations that impact cultural conditions.
  2. Formalize the process of how racial equity work in leadership, instruction, business services, and student services becomes integrated across the college.
    1. Strategy: Institutionalize the work of the RJTF into the college with the support of the SES.
    2. Strategy: Continue focus on professional learning about racial justice.
    3. Strategy: Develop and implement culturally responsive curriculum and pedagogy across all disciplines and services.
  3. Improve diversity in all our hiring by creating a shared definition, vision, and standardized processes and practices.
    1. Strategy: Mentor existing employees and encourage them to advance in their positions at the college.
    2. Strategy: Examine hiring documents to ensure that these materials encourage a diverse hiring pool.
    3. Strategy: Provide professional development for managers about hiring practices which would foster a more diverse pool (for example learning about our existing intern program).
    4. Strategy: Collaborate with the EEO Committee to analyze hiring processes and outcomes.
    5. Strategy: Develop a pipeline to employment and internships at the college (especially for students).
  4. Improve the online experience of our students and employees.
    1. Strategy: Provide professional development to improve workflow and tools required to effectively work remotely.
    2. Strategy: Improve onboarding of students into online learning.
    3. Strategy: Improve equitable access and student success outcomes in online learning.
    4. Strategy: Examine data to inform interventions to improve student retention and success.
    5. Strategy: Maintain community through collaboration, connections, and relationship building.
    6. Strategy: Improve communication with part-time faculty and increase connections with them.
    7. Strategy: Improve the college’s communication and communication processes with students.
  5. Improve the use of research and data to inform college-wide decision making.
    1. Strategy: Create effective evaluation processes to accurately assess the efficacy of college programs and interventions that target improving equitable student access, retention, success, and completion.
    2. Strategy: Agree on key data points that the college broadly values and knows.
    3. Strategy: Standardize essential reports that employees regularly use to inform their work.
  6. Keep student equity and success at the core of our decision-making within budgeting during times of crisis.
    1. Strategy: Establish equity criteria for decision-making.
    2. Strategy: Build and maintain effective schedules that keep student equity and success at their core.
  7. Integrate student voices into all our work.
    1. Strategy: As we serve on committees with student representation, managers will onboard and mentor student participants
    2. Strategy: Bring student voice as expressed through research into all of our conversations.
    3. Strategy: Find opportunities to represent student voice, for example using research such as Six Factors of Student Success.
    4. Strategy: Institutionalize student advisory groups, perhaps paid position(s)

Contact Information

Vice President of Equity and Instruction Joe Gorga 925-969-2003
Senior Administrative Assistant Vacant 925-969-2004  
Administrative Assistant III Vacant 925-969-2011  
Administrative Assistant II Carol Trost 925-969-2241