Evening Office

During the evening hours it may feel like you are on your own on campus, but it’s not true! The Evening Office is still your “go-to” for support and is a just phone call away.  

Evening support includes a weekly rotating position shared by the management team.  The Instruction Office has developed this list of resources support you during the term:


Department Phone Extension Hours

Instruction Office (1st point of contact for non-emergencies)

925-969-2357 22357

M - TH: 8 am - 7 pm
Friday: Closed

Central Services (Copies and Mail)

925-969-2052 22052

M - TH: 8 am - 7 pm
Friday: Closed

IT HelpDesk (A/V Projectors, Laptops, etc.)

925-969-2576 22576

M: 10 am - 5:30pm
T-TH: 7 am - 5:30pm
Friday: Closed

DVC Police Services (Non-emergency situations, room unlock services, and safety escorts) 925-969-5547 25547 Always Available
Emergency Services 911   Always Available

Please contact the evening office to report:

  • unplanned faculty absences for evening classes (to post a class cancellation)
  • tardiness (to post a message for students)  
  • air conditioning or heating problems
  • lighting problems (especially related to safety issues!)
  • leaks or sprinkler system malfunctions
  • any other Maintenance & Operations issues
  • IT and Media Services issues (IT Help Desk staff are available to assist with classroom technology issues until 5:30pm Mon-Thurs, you can call them directly to access this resource at 925-969-2576)
    • Evening IT support is limited, so please try to contact them prior to the start of your class if you encounter a technology issue. Due to limited staffing, IT is not able to wait for a break or come back later to address technology issues.               

The Evening Office and Police Services can also assist with:

  • direct preliminary emergency procedures while contacting appropriate campus personnel
  • bomb threats
  • threatening situations and people
  • student conduct issues
  • power outages
  • injury/death reports
  • first aid/medical emergencies
  • disasters

Did you know?

Features of the Campus Shield App:

  • Calls go directly to the DVC Campus Police department drastically cutting down on emergency response time.
  • Under Emergency Tips find out what to do in an Evacuation, Shelter in Place, or other emergency procedure.
  • Use the FriendWatch feature to allow a friend to track your walk across campus and then check in when you safely arrive.
  • Use the Services button to request a police services escort, look at a campus map or look at public transportation information.
  • Use the Anonymous Report link to Report a situation to campus police.

Please feel free to contact the Evening Office for any of the above concerns. If you aren’t sure…call anyway. We are here to help!