Module 7, Lesson 2:  Styles


What are Styles?

Using styles is a way to "tag" elements in your document in order to define whether the text is a Heading 1, Heading 2, a paragraph, a column, a bulleted or numbered list, etc. We use these tags in the same way we think of an outline; the title of the document is typically Heading 1, while subtitles are Heading 2, sub-subtitles are Heading 3, and so on.

Why should we use Styles?

Using Styles is critical for individuals using a screen reader because it allows them to detect the type of text they are reading from the tagging you have used to create your document. These tags are actually part of the code of the document. Because the headings and bullets are embedded in the code, the screen reader will alert the listener to the existence of those headings and bullets. Without styles, the text reads as continuous text with only line breaks.

The video below is a recording of JAWS (a common screen-reading software) reading a list of three California counties and their cities from a Google Doc formatted WITHOUT styles (no headings or bullets). As you listen and/or read the captions, try and decipher which words are the counties, and which are the cities. You may need to listen a couple of times.

How did you do? Did it go too fast? The speed was typical of that which a seasoned JAWS user might use (if not faster!).

The next video has JAWS reading the same list, but this time the Google Doc was formatted WITH styles (headings and bullets). Again, as you listen and/or read the captions, try and decipher which words are the counties, and which are the cities. You may need to listen a couple of times.

Did you do better that time?

Can you name the three counties? (**answers are at the bottom of this page**)

What tipped you off that those were the county names?


thumbs up symbolStyles are also beneficial for the sighted user because they provide an organized and clear structure that is easier to read and that is maintained across formats. It's a win-win!


How do I use Styles?

Start with Heading 1 and continue with Heading 2, 3, and so on in order (i.e. Heading 2 must always follow Heading 1). Only use "Heading (#)" options for heading text and "Paragraph" for regular text. Avoid using the "Title" , "Subtitle", and other styles that are not labeled "Heading (#)".

  1. Select the text in your document to which you want to apply the Style.

  2. Locate the Styles group in the Google Docs toolbar.
    Styles area in Google Docs

  3. Click on the desired Heading # and your text should change to match that default Heading style. If you don't like the default formatting, you can change the font size and type and the Heading # will still be preserved.
    Apply Heading 1 style in Google Docs

  4. Don't want to have to change the formatting from the default every time? You can create your own default formatting so that every time you pick that Heading #, the font type and size reflect your choices.  Once you have made your formatting changes to the text, click on the Heading # again and select "Update 'Heading #' to match".  This will change your default formatting. 
    Update heading to match
  5. In the Style Pane Options menu, select "All Styles" under "Select styles to show". Click OK.

  6. You should now see all of the Heading # options listed in the Styles menu to the right.

  7. In your document, with your mouse select the text to which you want to apply the style.

  8. For a main heading, click Heading 1. For a subheading click Heading 2, and so on. You do not need to apply a style to text that is not a heading (i.e. a paragraph).

  9. Once the style has been applied, you can change the font type, size, bold it, italicize it, etc. It will still be labeled with the proper heading.

** answers to "counties" question: Butte, Imperial, Santa Barbara


Next: Module 2, Lesson 3: Images (PC)

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