Canvas logoCanvas Faculty Guides

Learn how to use Canvas, our Learning Management System, by clicking on any of our frequently asked questions, quick guides, and support options.

Getting Started FAQ

What Canvas training is available?

Get flex credit and learn how to use Canvas effectively by:

When are Canvas sites created?

Canvas sites are created automatically each term through District IT, typically seven weeks before the start of the term. 

How do I access/log into Canvas?

You'll find the link to Canvas on InSite - or bookmark DVC's Canvas site on your device!  Use your InSite username and password to log in. 

Forgot your username or password?  

Are there materials to help me get started?
  • Many departments host Canvas sites with support materials for their instructors. Contact your Department Chair with inquiries.
  • Check out DVC's optional Canvas course template and design materials by clicking the "Course design resources" tab on Online Teaching Tips.
How do I combine sections on Canvas?

Due to complexities with FERPA compliance, a risk of lost course materials, and technology integration issues, our district no longer allows Canvas combination requests. See the 4CD Guidance on Combined Shells for more, including time-saving tips for using “copy to” to quickly share content between course shells.

When can students see our Canvas shell?

Students will not see your Canvas shell until:

  1. the first day of the term AND
  2. you publish your course

If you want students to have access prior to the course start date, you can change your course and section date settings from the default term dates to course dates you specify. Students should not participate in a course outside of term dates, so please limit access to view only if you choose to do this.

How do I request an additional Canvas shell?

Sandbox courses are available for faculty to work on course design, for departments, and for faculty training needs. Please email Anne Kingsley with your request.

For any and all Canvas shell requests, please review the Non-instructional Canvas Shells Guidelines and, if your request meets the need, submit a Non-instructional Canvas Shell Request Form for review and possible approval. 

Canvas Guides

Other questions

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Canvas Support

24-7 Canvas Support
  • 24-7 Chat:
    1. Log into Canvas.
    2. Click "Help" in the global navigation menu.
    3. Click "Chat with Canvas Support (Faculty)."
  • Canvas DVC Faculty Support Line: 1-833-221-7461
  • Appointment with a "Panda Pro"
DVC Support
  • Drop-in support available online in the Digital Learning Lab or on campus in the Staff Development Center
  • Key Contacts:
    • Neal Skapura, Technology Training and Development Coordinator, Canvas Admin:
    • Crystala Button, Technology Training and Development Coordinator, Instructional Design:
    • Emma Rogers, DE Coordinator:
    • TBD, PD Coordinator
    • TBD, Dean of Library, Educational Technology, and Learning Support