Two accessible shuttles are available to provide on-campus transportation. Students who may be eligible for this service are those with temporary
and permanent orthopedic disabilities that affect their mobility and ability to traverse
to campus.
How to Arrange for Mobility Services
Schedule an appointment with a DSS counselor to receive authorization for services.
Pleases bring verification of disability unless one is already on file with DSS.
Read and sign the Mobility Assistance Contract with a DSS staff person in SSC-248.
A current course schedule must be included with the contract.
Mobility Services Policy
Mobility Services will only be provided to a student who has a verified disability
and who has disability-related functional limitations that prevent the student from
traversing distances or carrying heavy loads while on campus.
Mobility Services are provided to and from classes. Other course related mobility
services must be prearranged with the Mobility Assistance Coordinator. Students may
not, while being provided mobility services, ask the mobility assistant to stop to
allow them to socialize.
The student must be at the designated area and be ready at the prearranged time.
Mobility Services are available on an emergency basis (e.g., after a fall, sudden
rain, etc.).
If excused from class early, the student either needs to wait for the scheduled mobility
assistant or have someone call the DSS Office.
It is the student's responsibility to notify the Mobility Assistance Coordinator as
soon as possible if s/he will be unable to meet the mobility assistant as scheduled
at 925-969-2173. Three (3) failures to notify may result in termination of this service.
The student is responsible for informing the Mobility Assistance Coordinator whenever
changes occur that affect the student's need for mobility services.
Accessible Parking
DVC does not issue disability parking placards. Students who have a designated license plate or a parking placard issued by the
Department of Motor Vehicles do not need a DVC parking permit; they are eligible to
park in any specially marked handicapped parking space. If these spaces are full,
parking is permitted in any other parking stall. Parking in driveways, on lawns or
other prohibited parking locations is not permitted.