October 4, 2021:  Read "Where Do I Begin With Accessibility?"

Accessibility Goal of the Week

This week we are excited to announce a new resource to add your accessibility support system called  Where Do I Begin With Accessibility?

Perhaps you’re aware of the various accessibility training resources available, but are feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to start. This resource provides a three-step roadmap for beginning the journey to fully accessible content. Also included are suggestions for “Where do I go from here?” after you’ve completed each step.  

This week, your goal is to read through the document and get a sense of its contents. Click the screenshot below to access the document.  

Where do I begin with accessibility?

Accessibility logoTasks completed?  Congratulate yourself on reaching this week's goal.  Your efforts matter!

Want some support as you work towards your goal?  Accessibility Ambassadors are ready to help in the Digital Learning Lab on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00 am and Fridays from 3:00-4:00 pm, or reach out to an Ambassador via the directory

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