November 29, 2021:  Add headings to one Word or Google doc

Accessibility Goal of the Week

Before the holiday we learned specific steps for how to add headings, (or "styles" as they are referred to in Word) to our Word and Google docs.  This week, we will put what we’ve learned into practice. Select one Word or Google doc and apply the appropriate heading or style structure to the text.  Remember, you do not need to apply a heading or style to text that is not a heading (i.e. a paragraph).

Links from previous Goals of the Week for your reference

Upload the new, accessible Word doc

If your Word doc appears in your Canvas course, once you've saved the version with headings you can use Ally to easily replace the old file.  In the Ally tool you should see a prompt to upload a new version.  Click Browse to locate the file.  Ally will automatically replace the old file with the new file within your Canvas course.  

Upload the new version

Accessibility logoTasks completed?  Congratulate yourself on reaching this week's goal.  Your efforts matter!

Want some support as you work towards your goal?  Accessibility Ambassadors are ready to help in the Digital Learning Lab on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00 am and Fridays from 3:00-4:00 pm, or reach out to an Ambassador via the directory

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