November 15, 2021:  Word and Google Doc Accessibility - How to add headings

Accessibility Goal of the Week

Last week we learned why we should format our Word and Google docs with proper headings to benefit all students accessing online content.  This week, we will cover specific steps for how to add headings.  For this week’s goal, just read the tutorial.  Next week, we will put what we’ve learned into practice.  

Click the links below to view the tutorial for your specific operating system and version.

Word for Office 2019 (Windows)

  1. Start from the Home tab and select the text in your document to which you want to apply the heading.
  2. Locate the Styles group towards the top of the screen.
  3. You may notice in the Styles group that only Heading 1 and Heading 2 are showing, and not 3, 4, and so on. To access all the Heading # options, first click the dialog box launcher at the bottom right-hand side of the Styles group.  
  4. Click Options at the very bottom of the menu that appears.    
  5. In the Style Pane Options menu, click All Styles under "Select styles to show". Click OK.  
  6. You should now see all of the Heading # options listed in the Styles menu if you scroll down.      
  7. In your document, with your mouse select the text to which you want to apply the style.
  8. For a main heading, click Heading 1. For a subheading click Heading 2, and so on. You do not need to apply a style to text that is not a heading (i.e. a paragraph).
  9. Once the style has been applied, you can change the font type, size, bold it, italicize it, etc. It will still be labeled with the proper heading.

Styles in Word 2019 for Windows

Word for Office 2019 (Mac)

  1. Start from the Home tab.    
  2. Place focus on the appropriate content and choose the relevant heading style.
  3. Choose the Styles Pane.  This will open the list of heading and other styles for use in the document.
  4. If Styles are missing in the Quick Styles Gallery view, select All styles.
  5. Select the Style missing and add to the Quick Styles Gallery.
  6. Once the style has been applied, you can change the font type, size, bold it, italicize it, etc. It will still be labeled with the proper heading.

Adding headings in Word 2019 for Mac

Word for Office 365

  1. Select the heading text and then select the Home tab.
  2. Select the Styles button and then select a heading style, for example, Heading 1  or Heading 2.

Styles in Office 365

Adapted from the Public Canvas Accessibility Self-Paced Course from the California Community Colleges Accessibility Center and the Microsoft Support website.

Google Docs

  1. Open a document in Google Docs (Links to an external site.).  Select the text you want to change.
  2. Click Format, then Paragraph styles.
  3. Click a text style:
    • Normal text
    • Heading 1-6
  4. Click Apply [text style]

Applying headings in Google Docs

accessibility logoTasks completed?  Congratulate yourself on reaching this week's goal.  Your efforts matter!

Want some support as you work towards your goal?  Accessibility Ambassadors are ready to help in the Digital Learning Lab on Tuesdays from 9:00-11:00 am and Fridays from 3:00-4:00 pm, or reach out to an Ambassador via the directory

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