May 17, 2021:  Use the Accessibility Self-Assessment to set goals for fall

Accessibility Goal of the Week

With the end of spring upon is, it's that time again to reflect on your accessibility progress. Remember to congratulate yourself for any changes made that have improved the student experience.  At the same time, do not be discouraged if there is still lots of work to be done.  Incremental progress is the goal - not perfection!   

It's also a good time to set a vision for your continuing accessibility journey in fall semester.  Last week we read through the Accessibility Self-Assessment and answered the pre-assessment questions.  Use your answers to inform the goals you'd like to accomplish in fall.  You can also think back to the action plan you drafted in the beginning of spring semester. In what ways can you leverage the Accessibility Self-Assessment as a tool to carry out that action plan?    

Accessibility Ambassador logoAccessibility Ambassadors will continue to be available for one-on-one support in the fall. Contact information for the FA21 cohort will be forthcoming.  In addition to one-on-ones, we're developing trainings and further accessibility outreach, so stay tuned!


Have a wonderful summer and thank you for your efforts.

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