Individuals who are unable to directly resolve an issue with any classified staff member or manager and wish to complain may contact that employee’s supervisor to notify them of the issue and to seek appropriate resolution.
Individuals who are unable to directly resolve an issue with any faculty member and wish to complain may contact the appropriate department chair, whose responsibility it is to listen to student inquiries, complaints and grievances about department members and matters. The department chair will investigate and attempt to resolve matters on a department level. If the faculty member is also the department chair, direct the concerns to the academic dean.
The Diablo Valley College staff is dedicated to serving particular educational needs, which can be appropriately met by a college functioning in accordance with the broad purposes and regulations set forth in the education code of California. Accordingly, any student who believes there has been a violation of the regulations as stated in Title IX of the Education Act of 1972 or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 may initiate a grievance (see equal opportunity policy and grievance procedures, page 15). For further information, contact the office of the vice president of student services.