The Marketing office is available to partner to develop strategies to help achieve
your goals, but the accuracy of information becomes the responsibility of a dedicated
web contributor identified in each area if the college. Web contributors must:
be DVC employees with a email address
review and agree to web governance policies each year
complete OU training (Canvas modules, hands-on training and review)
complete the accessibility training provided by DSS
read all communication from the Marketing office
dedicate time to regularly monitor and update assigned pages to ensure alignment with
our policies and branding
attend flex sessions to update skills as needed
We reserve the right to remove users who are not complying with our policies or who
have not been active contributors to the site.
Requirements for new pages
Web Contributors work with the Marketing office to ensure brand, messaging and information
architecture standards are used and to provide the best user experience when proposing
major changes such as:
embedding snippets, widgets or other tools
using forms (All forms must serve a specific purpose and meet strict privacy standards.)
changing page titles or URL
creating new pages or sections
Before requesting new pages, consider:
Is the information appropriate for the website, or would it be better provided by
faculty/staff or some other method (ex: event calendar, student newsletter, etc)?
In order to keep the website usable and make it easy to find crucial information,
we cannot answer every question that might ever come up on our website.
Is there another page where this content can live that would be more appropriate than
a new page (without diluting that page's content)?
Who is your intended audience for the page?
What are you goals for the page? What action do you want visitors to take based on
information on the page?
Do you have a page description ready? This description appears on Google's search
engine and clarifies the purpose.
Approvals are dependent on satisfactory answers. Submit requests for new content or
pages using the web support request form.