Website Request

The communications and marketing office is responsible for keeping the DVC website current and student focused. If you have an update for the website, an account issue, or need website contributor training, please complete our website request form.  

The web support request form is currently disabled pending launch of our redesigned site.

Please note:

  • Small updates are typically taken care of in 2-3 business days. The communications and marketing team will work with you on a timeline for larger requests.
  • If you have multiple requests (multiple pages), please fill out the form for each item. Multiple changes to a specific page can be submitted in one request.
  • For an example of DVC webpage formatting, review our web styles.

Contact Communications and Marketing

Brandy Howard  925-969-2048
Media Design Specialist:
Ivan Vielma-Sanchez
Web Administrator:
Ken Statham 925-969-2051
Communications and Marketing Coordinators:
Keith Parsons 925-969-2054
Lori Golden 925-969-2050
Web Project Coordinator:
Tanuja Dhanalekshmi
Product Marketing Specialist (Career Education)    
Ryan Blauvelt