Adopted: February 22, 2010 Revised: October 10, 2011 (updates/corrections March 12, 2021)
Charge and Function
To enhance the effectiveness of the college through active implementation of the District
Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (HR Procedure 1010.01);
To act as an advisory committee to the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer;
To review the college's hiring process and to make recommendations to enhance equal
employment opportunity, staff diversity* and disability access;
To ensure that district employees who participate on screening or selection committees
receive appropriate training on state and federal nondiscrimination laws, cultural
competence, and the benefits of employee diversity;
To monitor progress on recruiting, hiring and retaining a diverse faculty and staff,
and to provide access to employment for persons with disabilities.
*As defined by State and District Policy
Meeting Dates
Spring 2021: March 11; April 14 and May 12 from 4pm to 5pm via Zoom.
Previously: Twice a year: once at the beginning of the fall term and a second meeting
prior to the spring hiring process (more often as needed). Meeting dates and times
will also be listed on the campus meeting calendar linked to the DVC homepage.
Reporting Status
Reports to the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and as needed to the College Council.
Selected from the committee members
2 Faculty - appointed by Academic Senate to include one at large and one from United
Faculty leadership
2 Classified - one appointed by Classified Senate and one from Local 1
2 Administrations - appointed by the College President
1 Student - appointed by ASDVC (one year term) Equal Employment Opportunity or Diversity
Affairs Officer **