To remain accredited, every seven years the college completes a comprehensive self-evaluation
and submits a written report of that evaluation to the Accrediting Commission for
Community and Junior Colleges. In preparation for the completion of our 2014 Self-Evaluation,
DVC formed an Accreditation Advisory Group (AAG) in fall 2012. The AAG is comprised
of the college president, president of the academic senate, the president of the classified
senate, the accreditation liaison officer, the vice president of equity & student
services, the vice president of equity & instruction, the vice president of business
& administrative services, and representatives from faculty and classified staff.
Members of Accreditation Advisory Group (AAG)
Ashley Alvarez, President of ASDVC
Vicki Ferguson, Vice President of Equity and Student Services
John Freytag, Faculty, President of the Academic Senate
Marta Gillen, Senior Executive Assistant to the President
Joe Gorga, Vice President of Equity & Instruction
Anne Kingsley, Dean of Educational Technology and Learning Resources
Lindsay Kong, Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation Liaison Officer
Susan Lamb, President
Jeniffer Monroy, President of Classified Senate
Nikki Moultrie, Senior Dean of Curriculum & Instruction
Sara Parker, Vice President of Business and Administrative Services
Lisa Smiley-Ratchford, Faculty, Vice President of Academic Senate
Jen Tejada, Interim Senior Dean of the San Ramon Campus
Mario Tejada, Faculty, Chair of Distance Education Committee